
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 20:29:26
He borrow the money _____he could send his son to school米...A.which B.so this C.so that D.because It With Your Girlfrien什么意思 nice to meet you, Decorate it with your crayons什么意思 state your 英语翻译下一句是was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? he'll play tennis at the drop of a hat.翻译(口语) day是啥?意思意思! day是啥意思 7-to-10-day表示什么意思像这样表示时间的还有那些? She hopes we're e_ the film?这个怎么e后面应该填什么?最好说下为什么 英语翻译小菜鸟先在此谢过了是供应商评估手册里的一个选项。 怎么翻译:“This is despite a trend of overall falling rates of the condition. 请列举出three major titles of the british monarch如题,是列举,不是翻译 three major titles of the british monarch 英语问题:only three of us went there.He was the only league member. 这两个句子中only的词性和成分分 翻译:As an area of study it is commonly referred to as information technology management. D-day什么意思 浪漫满屋里面的D day是什么意思啊 and my wife is w() in our car for me to come back还有一个:but the party went o() 那个韩国D-DAY是什么日子啊?有什么特殊的意义吗 如题 表示意志坚强的词5个 表示意志坚强的词语 市面上的浮法玻璃厚度4mm,实际都是3.8mm的吗 我是做工艺品的,想知道浮法玻璃 耐温度最高多少度,玻璃厚度1mm。 background:url(tupian/main_bg.gif) top repeat-x;是什么意思? ACADEMIC STATUS IN THE UPCOMING YEAR和REGISTRATION DUE DATE怎么翻译 He will ( ) the rural area after finishing her studyA .go back B .get back C.retern to D.retern study of undertake a study mamy是什么意思 Dady.