
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 05:43:34
谁能用英语介绍伦敦 英语介绍LONDON 城市..没的悬赏分了 ..还是请你们帮帮我 学英语,想提高,很迷茫天天上班抽空学习,基础不好,现在正在背单词,但是总忘,只能反复背,又忘,特伤自信心.但是确实想学,现在一边背单词,一边努力的背句子,但是语法什么的也还是不懂,不懂 he said he would come _____A tomorrow B that day C the day D tomorrow morning She said she WOULD be there at seven o'clock,and he thought she WOULD keep her word.这句话里两个would分别是作情态动词还是助动词?如果是情态动词 he said he would come ,he didn't,____.为什么填though? 有没有这样一个朋友?在你悲伤的时候,他能让你快乐,在你快乐的时候,他能让你悲伤;在你高兴的时候,...有没有这样一个朋友?在你悲伤的时候,他能让你快乐,在你快乐的时候,他能让你悲伤; 学习英语过程中的困惑本人就是过四级的水平,工作后撂下了,一年前又有了想拿起的想法,学了美文30篇,拿着念啊,背单词,看语法书,听听力.有些长句理解不了,背多少单词还是有很多不认识的, 对于学习英语的一个困惑!你说在英语的长难句中 很多这样的which啊 that啊 都起指代前句 或者修饰的功能 或者倒装 或者主谓隔离的远远的 你说外国人说话的时候 他们的思维就能达到这样的 我的身份证号码是123,用英语怎么说? My best friend Tim said to me ," I will call you tomorrow .'' (改为间接引语) My best friend Tim told to me _____  _____ call me _____ _____ _____ JOHN SAID ,"I WILL CALL YOU TOMORROW ."(改为间接引语) he said to me,"i will return it tomorrow."改为间接引语 地球是宇宙的中心还是太阳是地球的中心, ( )的观点主要阐述了地球是宇宙的中心,而( )的观点主要阐述了太阳是宇宙 英语翻译A romantic doctor from the TV series “Grey’s Anatomy” can be used to represent romance in a self-edited video,just like a movie director who hires an actor to play a specific kind of role 英语翻译A user might combine shots of episodes of theDr House show to tell a romantic story with a cynical flavour,or about medical systems or indeed,about whatever the user can imagine.就这句话..DR HOUSE是电视剧《豪斯医生》中的 英语翻译As to local coherence,if a funny soundtrack or laughing are added to thevideo,the local coherence moves in the direction of simple enjoyment,rather thanscience or accusation.Finally,thematic coherence is the relevance of certain themes:if 英语翻译阿喀琉斯的父母结婚时,忘了邀请不和女神厄里斯,于是有了金苹果的故事.特洛伊王子帕里斯长大后奉父命去希腊接姑妈,与海伦一见钟情,抢走了海伦,导致了特洛伊战争(10年),众神 英语翻译Velocity over wet bulb(ft/min)Attach a drawing showingDry bulb mounted upstream of wet bulbThis form is formattde for end-to-end calibrationThis form must be modified when calibrating indiviual components of a data acquisition system and r Brown said he would call us as soon as he________in Beijing the next day.( 到达)根据词汇填空 Could you call me up as soon as he ()A.arrived B.would arrive C.arrives D.will arriveCould you call me up as soon as he ()A.arrived B.would arrive C.arrives D.will arrive为什么?. How ________ (do) Yang Ling go to school?________ she go to school by bike?______ your father often busy?Yes,he is he said,'it will rain soon."改为间接引语 he said that he would do it 改为直接引语 He said he would be there soon.翻译 如果宇宙会不断的膨胀那么地球也会随着不断的膨胀吗?如果宇宙会不断的膨胀那么地球也会随着不断的膨胀吗?例如吹气球一样,不断的膨胀,最后形成爆炸. 宇宙膨胀,地球空间也跟着膨胀吗如果地球内的溶洞空间也发生膨胀,那么N年以后,地球就会被地下这些增大的空间而撑爆, 英语翻译The current portion of Long-term DebtSome long-term debts ,such as mortgage loans,are payable in a series of monthly or quarterly installments.In these cases,the principal amount due within one year(or the operating)is regarded as a curre 英语翻译还有学者认为,由于原始人的思维分不清主客观的界线、认为一切自然物都和自己一样是有灵魂的,由此而产生了图腾崇拜、原始宗教、巫术祭祀等,而这些活动都离不开舞蹈,甚至舞蹈 It was said that his mother _________.A.was dying B.has died C.has been dead D.died 为什么答案是A? The mother said that she would ___ her son's hands if he ever played compute again.A.cut in B.cut off C.cut down D.CUT OFF2.The plan,if _____ ,will benefit millions of middle class familiesA.admitted B.adopted C.adapted D.admired3.Nowadays some peopl His mother said that he ( )take the medicine even if he didn't like it.a.would b.have to c.had to