
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:49:43
are able是不是等同与have ability 【英语问题】 first and foremost.这样的词等同于first?它相当于一个单词,好像是p打头的? I hope you stood behind me,whatever request you all accept "I hope you accept my preposition when I tell you." 德国的政治思想是什么啊?就是德国的political ideology 有没有you are the same这句话you are the same与the same to you一样不一样 英语关联词造句the table ,show that,造句 the diagram,show.the,造句 the.gtaph .show that...造句 the that...造句 the that...造句 诚信用英文怎么讲 Cotton ___ in the southeast of grown B.are grown C.grows D.grow这道问题不能选C吗. he is drawing such a breatiful horse on the biackboard.改同义句he is drawing____beautiful____horse on the biackboard. cotton is grown in ( )china.a.north b.the nortj of c.the north d.a north 什么是德意志精神 That is a elephant.This is it long nose.对还是错,错在那里了? That is Cheng Long 改为一般疑问句 打印机只在纸张边缘打印是什么原因如题,刚把工作表格更改成2007版的,第一张打印时还好好的,第二张开始就只从张的边缘开始打,字都是重叠在一起的,这是什么原因?我没设置过什么东西. 正确形式填写Cotton is _____(produce) in the north of China 德国的特点是啥?请选A 渔业B 橡胶C 啤酒 A lot of cotton and wheat_____(grow)in South China 锐步广告中“i am what i am"是什么字体?最好能发给我 不要图 Who am I 转成非主流字体的 求i am 中字 完整版 Deeply ___ in our happy childhood memories ,none of us noticed the arrival of Monica.A.absorb B.absorbed C.absorbing be absorbed The park is( )the bank The hospital is ( )Bridge Street The pay phone is ( )the post officeThe restaurant is ( )the post officeThe hotel is ( )the police stationnext to in front of behind across from on 把这五个词填进五个句子 there is nothing unusual on the stree(同义句是什么)拜托各位了 3Q There is nothins unusual on the street (同义句) Tow b,want to say i love you. Hey!Don't do that ___adults.It is very dangerous.A:withB:withoutC:hasD:have not 压力变送控制器的发展趋势? if you really mean it意思是? 静女其姝是什么意思 静女其姝 什么意思 战争机器运行出现 to play gears of war,please double—click startup.exe.我不要回答点startup.exe.不好使