
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 07:27:52
什么是漏斗效应(funneling effect)? take effect 与carry into effect 的区别 在英语课堂里如何教授音标 the children have some Apples改为单数句 the chilldren have some apples改为单数句子 求一首诗::含意是“一生为萍”.藏头诗最好. 人生如萍,宛若不系之舟,在激流簇拥下,最难自持.人生是什么? Expect the whole of you.这句话是什么意思? 人生如萍是谁写的 you can't expect me to approve of it为什么这句有个of 的.you can’t expect me to approve it .这样说不行吗? I don't expect you to support me for the rest of ( ) life you are my everything .If you leave me,I think I will be death.please keep our love forever 是什么 急求!谁有英语标准音标录音的材料?!各位帮帮忙吧!感谢! how long do you suppose it lasted?为什么用lasted而不用last how long do it's batteries last?为什么不能在last后加上for?不是last for+一段时间的吗?那what are you happy about?这句话对吗,What you are not satisfied with? If you told me to do I do then please also do it 翻译下 please do it什么the teach told you,likeasforalike Please do it __ I told you A so B like C / D as 选哪项 飓风起于萍末,指什么?萍末有这词语么.或者这萍末本意是什么,浮萍么? 萍水相逢的萍是什么意思? 萍齑怎么读 有谁可以解释“清萍”的含义吗?大家知道清萍出自那里,有什么意义吗? 萍 有何含义 Do what you should ,give what you can ,and then please mind you're own business . What _____ did you do then? 如图所示,坐标平面第Ⅰ象限内存在大小为E=4×10^5N/C方向水平向左的匀强电场,在第Ⅱ象限内存在方向垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场.质荷比为m/q=4×10^(-10)N/C的带正电粒子从x轴上的A点以初速 你先画二个箱子,互相接触的,一子弹射入,Ma=2kg Mb=3kg M子弹=100g,V子弹=800米每秒,经过0.01秒子弹穿过A,留在B内,A对子弹F阻力=3000N,求AB最终速度!解出再加100! 我这是预习,1.质量为2t的汽车,发动机输出牵引功率为30kw.在水平公路上能达到的最大速度为15m/s,当汽车的速度为10m/s时的加速度是多少?2.将20kg的物体从静止开始以2m/s2的加速度竖直提升4m,拉力 My you please do not bother to see me off Please tell me your name,otherwise,please do not bother me.I do not talk to strangers We are finished,please do not bother We do not have a common topic,do not bother me in,please