
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 18:22:42
高中英语练习.1.The twins are so much alike that never know _______ is which.A.what B.who C.which D.whom2.改错.He has always insisted on his called Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.并解释为什么. 能与0.14比0.1组成比例的是A、二分之一比四分之三 B、0.8比0.25 C、八分之七比0.625 D、28比3 能与0.14比0.1组成的比例的是( A.2分之1 B.0.8比0.25 C.8分之7比0.625 已知x,y满足x+2y-5≥0,x+y≥0,x≤3,则y/x的最大值为?最小值为? 设f(x)为奇函数,且x大于等于0时,函数f(x)=x(三次根号下x +1),求当x小于0时,f(x)的函数解析是急! 已知|a-2|+(a+b-4)²=0,则3a+b=多少 ( )you go to bed earlier,you won't feel tired in the morning A.unless B.because of C.if D.whereRing him up to see( )he is at home A.unless B.if C.wather D.wherei‘m old enough to wash( )clothes by myself.you can juest wash( )A.my,your B. 1、将括号中的词语转化成最合适的形式.Don't be late,Jane.The train ___at 10 a.m.(leave)正确答案是is leaving.我想知道为什么,难道写will leave 2、Nowadays houses are mostly ___by electricity.A.light B.lighter C.lit D.light 【急】英语的一些初中水平题目根据汉语意思完成:中国有13亿人口.China____________________.亨利的年龄和我的一样大.Henry____________________.我学英语有困难.I have some problems ___________. 12只32条设有X只鸡则兔有(12-x)只 鸡和兔有12只鸡和兔只数的比是3:2鸡有()只兔有()只说错了是20只鸡和兔 已知x^2+2y^2-2xy+2y+1=0,求x,y的值 这个建筑50年了 英文RT...开头要是It's 已知(x-15)^2=169,(y-1)^3=-0.125 求 √(x)-√(2xy)-3次√(2y-x)的值! X的5倍比它的2倍多12 x的12分之5比7多4又3分之1 (x-3)^2+2xy+2y^2=0 求x/y (x-8)/2.4=12 12(x+2)=(12+8)x 化学必修1习题高一化学必修一第38面关于氧化还原反应的习题, 已知二次函数x^2-ax+b=0的两根分别为sinβ和cosβ,求P(a,b)的轨迹方程.我算到了sinβ + cosβ = asinβ * cosβ = b第一个式子平方1 + 2 sinβ * cosβ = a^2所以1 + 2b = a^2b = (a^2 -1)/2 she can look after you.同一句是什么? 有化学王后雄学案鲁科版必修二的进第16 页的右下角那道的D选项是什么意思已知短周期元素的离子A2+,B+,C3-,D-(核电荷数分别为abcd)都具有相同的电子层结构,则 判断:单质的还原性:A>B>D>C. identity&recognize有什么区别? identity 和 personality的区别Parents,your teen is forming their ______ and they need to know that you respect them as an individual 这句话中为什么选identity 而不选personality similarity和identity不同吗?Biometric access-control system work by degrees of similarity,not by identity. ELISA试剂盒请问一下国产的试剂盒哪个公司的做出来的效果好 是不是试剂盒只能做一次 人教版初中语文课后的所有字词注音当做次好人 you should look after you h_______ Simon,you should learn to look after -----------(you) is ( )eraser.You should look after it .1your 2you 3a 4yours what happend while Linda was on the telephone while不是不可以用在句中吗