
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:36:07
为什么印度的三大产业中第三产业比重最大,但印度经济还是不景气, what do you have()breakfast?what do you do()breakfast?分别用什么介词? 英语翻译贝多芬之所以伟大,就在于他能在无声的寂灭中创造音乐的辉煌.他能用痛苦谱写“永恒”的快乐,他深深的扼住了命运的咽喉,成了命运的主宰者,正是贝多芬这样的坚韧不屈成就了音 英语翻译为了纪念阿兰图灵在计算机领域的伟大贡献,ACM于1966年设立了图灵奖.这个奖专门奖励那些对计算机事业作出重要贡献的个人. 获得几项国际大奖 用英语怎么说 赢得了大奖英语怎么说 获得奖品用英语怎么说 Life is too short to spend time regretting. If it's not the end, smile and keep on going.Holiday is gong,and welcoming the new start!是什么意思? 用括号中所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子.1 Hurry up!there is little time _____ (leave)for us2 you didn't use to ____ (hate)math,did you3 "you 're great!" she said to me,____(smile)4._____(exercise)can make you much healthier5.why not When i love you ,will you love me too.?在线等.!什么意思阿,. what am I doing these days what am i doing为什么这么用 what I'm doing 和 what am i doing 有什么区别? 我的家乡英文短文,最少五句大埔的 要英文的短文,五句以上 介绍我的家乡河南的英语短文(几句话就够) If you want to r___ a hight level ,you must work harder if want to be a _____,you should work harder.A.successes.B.succeed C.success.D.successful 还有就是我分不清这几个词,可以粗略的给我讲讲它的区分方法么? there was -----little time left that we had to take a taxi there.为什么填SO,little time不是短语吗 take it easy.there is a little time left [w60] The man pulled out a gold watch,___ were made of small diamonds.A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of C.which the hands ofD.the hands of which.请帮忙翻译并分析. Few of the gold seekers who flocked to California were experienced miners,___ that they had to be.A and so did they feel B and they feel soC neither did they feelD yet they don't feel可是在一道改错题里又把neither改成了nor,为什么?为 Gold ( )in California in nineteenth centry.A.was discovered B.has been discovered C was discover D.was to be discovered 介词填空:Mary's hometown stands( )the foot of a mountain An ironworks stands at the foot of mountain . 为什么用stands而不用stand monument to the pecple ’s heroes the hospital stands()the foot of the mountain 多少钱 用英语怎么说 I don't know what is he doing这句为何是疑问句语序而不是陈述句语序 I didn't know what--------then.A.he was doing B.was he doing C.he is doing D.is he doing I don't know what is he doing谢谢了, 护士站 医学英文怎样翻译? I donot know what he is doing__ __ 我一点也不知道他在做什么