
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 04:20:47
会计凭证上的阿拉伯数字应该怎样输写最好呢?以输写格式,为标准. 所有的会计凭证,都能作为登记账簿的依据(判断题) [判断题] 填制会计凭证是会计核算的方法之一,也是会计核算工作的起始环节( )A、正确B、错误 【高一英语单选题一道】They ________ him not to do that,but he wouldn't listen.A.advised B.made C.persuaded D.suggested请问为什么C和D不行? 我用个12V的电瓶再用个稳压管《7805》来点亮30个LED白光灯为什么稳压管《7805》会很烫手? 分两小组并联的 地理和生物怎么高效复习 This song sounds ______a.good b.well 童年 好句赏析 2个小段分别写出赏析每段不要太长(只要好句赏析,不要读后感) 文言文背诵有什么技巧? Ben is good at PE同义句 population and ________为题英语作文不要太高水平了, 英语语法中,什么是度量名词 ?具体例子是讲到:Have you seen any fish (of) that size?of省略的问题. 英语语法:两个名词合成1个名词是什么语法点?它和 名词+of+名词有什么区别和联系 例如:Guangzhou XX hospital 和 XX hospital of Guangzhou Dear:If you hate me someday place tell me by youself because I don't want . 求一篇英语作文:Search for information about the population perblem in ChinaSearch for information about the population perblem in China and then write a composition about it .1.What is the population of China 2.The large population causes ma I'd like an MP4 as a birthday present. 怎样改成一般疑问句 英语语法单选 名词 英语作文population problem请在写作文的时候用上这些词10000 years ago ,small ,but last three or four hundred years ,quickly ,today ,faster ,must ,grow food ,families ,children ,not bad ,space ,stand in SaSan has no pens(改为一般疑问句)They went to school(一般疑问句)We pack our schoolbay eveydoy(否定句)Pat bought a book last night(否定句) He takes a man's arm(一般疑问句)They last their wallot yesterday(一般疑问 这是一首DJ渠,第一句是 Take my hand 后面还有句my love is forever 求歌词Take My Hand - Dj Kajjin Feat MimiTake My Hand - Dj Kajjin Feat Mimi let me pick the fruit,------?(反义疑问句) captain king is thinking of-----from the cave.(escape) / 诸葛亮一生多次用火攻取得战役的胜利,如:火烧博望坡,火烧新野,火烧赤壁,火烧连营七百里等,是对的还是错的 take my hand 歌词一首英文歌 有男有女 一起唱的 也是副歌部分 听到 有take my hand谢谢大家 加了名字的school要不要加定冠词the 神探夏洛克第三季第三集 夏洛克算是输了吗?用枪解决 高三怎样复习好生物? The two tourists went ______him when he was trying to escape.offwithafteron 怎样在高三复习好生物? When she discovered the ( )of her bag,she went to the police.A.steal B.thief C.theft D.robbery 诸葛亮和周瑜共同指挥的以少胜多的大战是什么? 那个音乐听起来很好用英语怎样说是:That music sound good.还是That music sounds good.