
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:31:56
Simple past和past perfect那个较早发生 use the past simple and the past perfect simpleComplete the sentences with the correct form of the bold verbs.Use the past simple and the past perfect simple in each sentence.1.By the time we(get)to the airport,the plane(leave).2.Some tourists(see)th look at the mao on the bicycle.He was English 中文的意思 When you are talking with others,don't point ( ) others with your chopsticksof at with for改填什么 为什么 _____you are talking with others,don't point at them.A.When B.after C.before D until选择哪个,最好有原因,就今晚, 求大神作藏头诗:霸气侧漏!thanx 求几部经典好看的小说、看着狠是霸气侧漏!除开都市言情. doctor-level degree 难道是博士学位的意思?我看到doctor 这个字我顿时就不淡定了.,如果不是,那这个level 相当于国内大学的什么水平哦、 a first-level university degree Maria is sitting on the beach and drinking iced tea对sitting on the beach and drinking iced tea提问 My grandfather likes drinking tea.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答 Could you please not point at others with your f____,Tom?When he got home,he r_____ he lost his keys. 在英语中 什么情况下用it造句 例如 it is rude to stare at others 为什么要用it啊 level,range,extent,degree有什么区别?谢谢 Fiji Island 历史专业的同学请帮我选个19、20世纪的世界史的题目,我需要写篇论文.没有19世纪了 是二十世纪 wish for better times has come true. discovery island 中文是什么意思 在历史的世界史上,从1856年到,十九世纪七十年代,都发生了哪些事情? 求(Severely)-F.T Island MV里的几句对话的中文意思啊~ 什么是ENTRY LEVEL 英语翻译请说明出处. 求高大上的中文对应.Knowing is not enough,you must apply.Willing is not enough,you must do.求高大上的中文对应.豪气点儿,显示决心的.万分火急.Knowing is not enough,you must apply.Willing is not enough,you must do. “entry level car”是啥意思? Knowing is not enough,we must apply; knowing is't enough be wonder we must apply be must apply wound is't enough who is next we must doknowing is not enough be wonderwe must apply be must applywound is not enough who is nextwe must do Knowing what love is is not enough.这句话对不? 姝字的广东话发音和哪个字相同 姝妹 的发音请问 妹之前 的发音? “阚鲦”的读音和意思.请问“阚鲦”的读音,今天看见这两个字突然发现我才疏学浅了,不认识这个两个字. 请问阚正确的读音应该是: 1、侃? 还是, 2、看?Ps: 我认识的一个女性盆友姓这个姓,我每次念侃的时候她都态度不好,可能是我念得不对吧,呵呵请问阚正确作姓念时的读音应该是?三还是四声啊 请问这个字“阚”读音