
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:20:15
下列各地冬至日最长的是 A.漠河 B.杭州 C.海口 D.北京 冬至日,我国白昼最长的地点是 他们在同一所学校上学,他们都喜欢踢足球:They go to ____ ___ ____ and they ___ soccer 英语翻译翻译下列句子::1.他们过去不喜欢足球.They ( )( )( ) like soccer.2.Jim参观了许多名胜古迹.Jim visited many ( )( )( ).3.越来越少的人喜欢京剧.( ) and ( ) people like Beijing Opera .4.他们昨天种了上千棵 Paul___ ____ his brother.They___ ____ soccer.Paul正和他哥哥在一起.他们在踢足球.填空 初中所需的3000个英语单词最好一一列出, 如何快速记住3000个左右的英语单词 十小时能背3000个英语单词吗?十天背3000个单词能做到吗? 英语翻译这位被称为“中国语言学之父”的奇才,会说33种汉语方言,并精通多国语言.研究者称,赵先生掌握语言的能力非常惊人,因为他能迅速地穿透一种语言的声韵调系统,总结出一种方言乃 英语翻译When you’re invited to have dinner in a foreigner’s home,please remember the followings:At table,when the hostess picks up her napkin,you may pick up yours and put it on your legs.If a servant passes food around,he will pass the dish 18除( )=0.6=20/( )=( ):( )=( )%=( )折 he wants a new car.改特殊疑问句 he wants a new car的否定句,疑问句和反问句. 描写奉献的词语要词语! 英语翻译The Beauty of BritainJ.B.PriestleyThe beauty of our country – or at least all of it south of the Highlands – is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.Remembering other and larger countries,we see at once that one of its charms is t 门子旁有哪些字 what time dao they go back home?中文 By the time i——back they——up ten metres.A came.have climbed B came.had climbedC come.have climbed D had come.climbed they spent a lot of time v_______ their relatives and friends during the stay therewe felt disappointed when we found the trip was not as nice as we had e_____.it's very h___ of you to tell me the truth.i want to be a pilot when i grow up.Achieving m They spent time _____(swim) in the river. they spent as much time travelling as they____A.reading B.were reading C.did to read D.did reading 英语单词 “非凡的孩子”怎么拼? 请问辉煌的英语单词是什么? 光荣的英语单词我的作业要用 精工5号机械手表问题?近日小弟买了精工5号机械手表,经过近日的观察,发现机心为7s26b机心,21钻机心,及日误差为15s+/-至25s+/-.Q1:日误差为15s+/-至25s+/-正不正常,在机械手表界内在哪个层次?Q2:21钻 They found ____very difficult____English well.A.it,learnB.it,to learnC.that,learnD.that,to learn 急!~~精工五号机械手表…懂得进这系列得表在专柜价格区间是多少,我想买1500左右,最多不过2000得机械表,这系列能行不,我18岁,有没有合适得款式,会不会都太老?还有,精工五号,大家对他有 精工5号盾机械手表.现在的精工5号盾机械表,我在淘宝看了,价格在300元到500元之间....我想问一下,现在精工5号机芯,7S26B机芯,(我说的只是机芯,不包括外壳),到底是日本组装生产???? 还是东南 英语翻译they had been- yes,well- pecked 英语翻译Solubility Studies of Organic Flame Retardants in Supercritical CO2Thomas Gamse,*,† Franz Steinkellner,† Rolf Marr,† Paolo Alessi,‡ and Ireneo Kikic‡Institut fu¨ r Thermische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttech 英语翻译文章有点多,怕审核太慢,所以就不发了.在下将感恩不尽~请发消息给我, 英语翻译图片左上角 有旋转功能哦