
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:45:50
spoke highly of的意思是什么 Everyone spoke highly of the band's_____(perform) The manager spoke highly of such virtue as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees如题,请指点此句的翻译.是否有词组句式或学习重点, what( )your grandparents usually do on christmas day,中文意思是你的祖父母通常在圣诞节做什么 思乡的小故事 北京的园林 吴带当风 是什么意思? “吴带当风”的意思郭皇壁画中的“吴带” i am to vist the sick teacher是什么意思 思乡的故事,短点,急用我明天就要用……周恩来的不要,什么诗歌也不要.我要故事 什么时候用not.not什么时候能单独用 the protagonist may be not sick,the poem can express writer’s emotion better 这句话又有没有问题 小猴子很顽皮,( ). 陋室铭中,惟吾德馨中的惟用法意思相同的成语, 小猴子很顽皮,.后面该怎么写? 为什么你的好友穿着暴露 英语RT 翻译 "pull her own weight"怎么翻译? 英语翻译我总觉得自己翻得不通顺 throw one's weight behind翻译 北坡杏花 王安石 前两句杏花的形象特点 i haven't been around.我翻的不对 There was a_____(ture) beautiful view from the bedroom横线上应该填什么 ---what happened to the postman?---i don't know.we_him around here.A.haven't seenB.aren't seeingC.don't seeD.didn't see. 英语翻译most student 在最前面 求解关于古诗《北陂杏花》题目本诗首句怎样写出杏花的可爱? 卷地风来忽吹散后面一句 I suggest you _____ a phone call to your class teacher immediately.(make) 加上知识点,谢谢! 没有可能 ( )is no possibility ,括号里用it还是there with another hard 英语语法无法选择. 服装店老板刚以相同价格卖出2件上衣,其中一件赚了1/10,另一件赔了1/10,你认为老板是赚了还是赔了. 某服装店卖掉两件标价相同的大衣,一件赚了1/10,另一件赔了1/10,卖出两件后,该店赚了还是亏了 . 英语语法问题-请问应该是I graduated还是I was graduatedI graduated from T University 还是I was graduated from T University我个人觉得都对如果是I graduated from T University的话 那就是I主语 graduated from谓语 T Universit