来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:42:11
it is very big ,and its nose is very long I am very big.I have a big body.My nose is long.What am A.Bear.B.Elephant.C.Cat Christmas day阅读答案 December 25th is Christmas day.In most countries it is the most important day in the year.All the people come back to their homes.On Christmas day,bells ring everywhere.The ringing bell tell people Christmas is coming.Peop OK绷是什么意思? Christmas怎么读 “你是我的OK绷”是什么意思?歌曲 Christmas是怎么读的? 有“固本求原”这个词吗?什么意思啊?有人知道这个词什么意思吗?或者说我打错了.帮忙解决下谢谢! I have a big face. I have a long arm and a short arm. I have no legs, but I can run. What am I? WO这个英语单词的意思是什么 求英语翻译 “班主任” 不要电脑翻译的 读音是"Wo ai Kang"的英语单词 如何学英语?wo bu zhidao 我英语很烂.快来帮我翻译一下两个句子.请把他们翻译成英语:1.思小姐,海先生,我爱你们!2.我会永远爱着你们!谢谢 犯能组什么词 翻译!帮帮忙!英语烂随着计算机和网络的发展,企业管理的信息化、自动化和网络化越来越受到很多企业的重视,项目的管理在企业管理中有着非常重要的地位.企业项目管理系统就是一个用来 犯可已以组什么词? 英语翻译BecausE of y0u,i d0n't kNow how to 1et any0ne elsE 1n;BecAuse [0f] yoU,i aM afЯa1d,i hearD y0u cЯy evEry n1ght iN y0ur Sleep;BecausE of y0u,i 1ose my waY,i'M foЯced t0 〔faKe.〕;BeCause OF you,i caNn0t cЯy,becauSe yoU kn0w tHa 英语翻译1.关于那场大火的起因他仍蒙在鼓里.2.我们将为顾客提供最好的服务和产品.3.尽量记住几个重要的电话号码,以防危险.4.他需要时间来整理自己的情绪.5.即使累了,你也不能停止前进.6. 选词填空 )two long ears and a big mouth.A:have B:has C:are 情景交际(可多选)What does a rabbit have?A.It has a long nose.B.It has long ears.C.It has two redeyes.D.It has six hands. i have a bag、the rabbit has long ears、he has a good mother的复数形式 The rabbit's got long ears.Rabbit's means A.rabbit is B.rabbit has C.名词所有格 一朵花的名字,生长在阴凉处,黄色的,很小的一株,太阳落山会闭合花瓣, 白色的三角形花瓣,蕊是白色的,柱头是黄色的是我什么花? 班主任要求我们对此事保持沉默 用英语翻译 这世界很烂 翻译下英文 根据词义解释写出单词,首字母已给出:instrument for catching mce——t____to show that what you are saying is true.without any doubt——c_____unable to find your way——l_____to come near to something in distance or time——a___ I'm big and tall.My nose is long.My ears are big.I'm grey.I like bananas.这是什么动物? 英汉互译 谢谢 参观革命烈士博物馆的200字作文怎么写 写参观余姚博物馆的作文