
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 16:39:58
搞不清什么时候要是特指,用到定冠词the请举例说明, 如何理解不定冠词的非特指用法 一个长方形的食品盒,长,宽,高分别是40厘米,20厘米和15厘米,售货员用红色的绳捆扎捆扎用的绳全长多少厘米,挽扣的部分用30厘米 一套塑料捆扎绳机械大概多少钱 cert CERT 文件夹 是什么意思? 请问share your wood cert什么意思啊? removing root 英语作文‘My Profile’紧急!帮帮忙你可以写你自己,我可以自己修改,最好加上中文,初中标准,谢谢 my profile英语小报如何做额.咳咳,本人是那个就读于比较好的一所初中,并担任英语课代表.可对做小报还是比较生疏,不知手绘小报需要些什么,希望能有个参照,初中左右水平.额...望前辈们能多 such a holy feeling like such a 很简单的一句话 如题 我们应学习改革者的哪些优秀品质? in frightful state 和 such a mess 古代的改革者的命运对今天的改革有什么启示 梭伦是一个不折不扣的改“中庸者”,王安石则是性格执拗的改革者,你认为作为一个改革者,哪种性格更容易成功 i don't know it's just a coincidence 中文意思是什么? 求大师帮忙修改下作文,看看有没有什么语法错误,感觉自己连词用的好奇怪啊From the passage i know that a man fortunately survived in a traffic accident with other psople'shelp,which reflects the warmth of our societyIn case I don't believe in such a big cities also find the other 请问谁能翻译,是印刷机上的 平板印刷机是什么 “沙丁鱼”在网络中的术语是什么意思? 罐头里的沙丁鱼是设么意思 always loved music he was born in 1982 in chongqing什么意思啊 请找出这段话的语法错误有这么一个演员,盘点红的演员里,肯定没她.盘点不红的演员里,绝大部分也没她.说演技好的,没她.说演技不好的也没她.但就是爱演主角和女三以上角色.且看过的都说 帮我找出这段话的语法错误~I must say that I do not agree with this view.Doubtless,for the amour-propre,huge number of people indeed often buy useless products just by reason of others have.Women go to buy shaver as well as men go to buy 这段话的语法错误.HI Lucy!Your mum has told me about you and your twin sister Hannah.I think that int's a good thing to have a sister who is the same age as you.You can share the feelings of sadness,happiness or even fear.I used to study in a 点焊使用的螺栓底盘与螺杆偏心,对焊接有什么样的影响 谁能帮我指出以下这段话的语法错误D&D U.S.Mao Mao-Liang Su-cream is a nutrition and health product especially designed for pets .this product contains protein,amino acids,vitamins,trace elements,minerals,unsaturated fatty acids and othe 这段话的语法错误在哪里I am a student at the monent.I am studying English on a full-time basis at a language School here in shenyang.we have classes in the morning,afternoons,and evenings.Wednesday afternons we are off,and are allowed to go 求证:屁会不会燃烧想起上初中的时候一个同学给我们讲的趣事,说他有一次在灶台(农村的那种土灶台)下烧火的时候,偶然放了一个屁,于是就接着把烧火棍(木头的,一头还带着小火苗)往