
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 18:30:09
over dramatic you 3.___ there're many hills in the northeast and in the centre of England,much of it s rather flat.A.Though B.If C.Even though D.Unless不懂…… how many people are there in france There are --------(probable,probably) many farmers in France.选哪个? Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you submitted to journal 我没填那题的答案,初一地理的,很容易,求大神解释,课本没有 1.小明到英国格林尼治天文台旧址旅游时,他两脚跨在本初子午线地标的两侧,张开双手表示东经和西经,此时东经和西经的度数分别向东、向西变化的规律是A.没有变化 B.度数减少 C.度数增大 D. plates有哪些意思The water goes past big plates that hang down in the mouth.The food sticks to the plates.这句话怎么翻译... plates是什么意思 110 PLATES 我是建筑玻璃出口商. plates 已知关于x的方程【a-3]x=6的解为整数,则满足条件的整数a的值是多少? 谢 We drink a lot of soft drink and coffee.变否定句.and需要成or吗?还有a lot of 需要变化吗? I always drink__soft drinks,although I know I shouldn't drink__.A a lot of a lot of B.a lot a lotB.a lot a lot of C.a lot of a lot “m>2”是“方程x^2/(m-2) +y^2/(5-m) =1表示的曲线是椭圆”的()?A 充分非必要条件B 必要非充分条件C 充要条件D 既非充分又非必要条件答案是B答案是D为什么?请写出详细过程,谢谢~ 方程x^2/m-1+y^2/m=1表示一个椭圆……设命题P:方程x^2/m-1+y^2/m=1表示一个椭圆:命题Q:抛物线y=x^2+(2m-3)x+1与x轴有两个不同的交点;若 “P且Q”,“非P”同为假命题,求实数m的取值范围. 已知p:方程x^2/(k-4)+y^2/(k-6)=1表示双曲线,q:过点M(2,1)的直线与椭圆x^2/5+y^2/k=1恒有公共点,若p且q为真命题,求k的取值范围 已知x=根号6+根号7 求(x+ 1/x)(x- 1/x) 有懂智利语的吗?Junto con saludar,quisiera saber si tiene un catalogo con los productos que ofrece su empresa y si en estos viene el precio de cada una de las maquinas.Hacen envio a chile ,y cuanto se demora?智利的询盘,帮忙翻译成中 微信token是什么意思 缺少TOKEN参数是什么意思 token是什么 世界乒乓球运动经历哪三个发展时期要详细的说明哪三个时期 token are,chinese ,decorations,they,Year,New连词成句 I feel_____hot because I've drunk_____hot teaA too much;much too B much too ;much too C too much;too much D much too ;too much you should drink hot tea when you have a sare throat对hot tea提问 authentication是什么意思 windows authentication 和sql authentication是什么意思?windows 服务验证和sql服务验证有什么区别.都什么时候用啊?有什么用途啊 ? 给个链接最好的拉. authentication-realm是什么意思 biometric authentication是什么意思