
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 00:27:29
四年级一班五名同学家一周丢弃废塑料袋的个数分别是王刚家16个、李华家22个、李佳家14个、张贫家10个,赵萍家18个问(1):估计平均每家丢弃塑料袋数的范围.再算出平均每家一周丢弃塑料 水壶怎样除垢 Is this farm __ you visited last week?其实答案是the one,为什么不能用which,that之类的? 如何处理家里废旧的塑料袋 水壶如何除垢 某有机物是苯的同系物,分子式是C10H14,它的苯环上的一溴代物只有一种.试写出它所有可能的结构简式 英语翻译.He said it was a strange visit.“I don’t understand,but I frightened(使害怕)your grandmother a lot.When I arrived,I gave her a purse from Suzhou,she looked in it and asked me to take it back.Then I saw a red spider on 1.It is the museum ______ I visited last week.2This the museum ______ I visited last week.A.where B.in which C.which D.that(上面两个题都是在这里面选,而且请详细说明原因)补充:3.We have 15 minutes left.(这个句中的“left -where _ did you go last week?- I went to the z-where _ did you go last week?- I went to the zoo,too.A,other placeB,elseC,else placeD,other 某金属与稀硝酸恰好完全反应生成NO,消耗金属和硝酸的物质的量之比为1:3,则该金属可能是A、Cu B、Ag C、Al D、Fe 某金属的硝酸盐加热分解生成的NO2和O2的物质的量之比为8:1在加热过程中,该金属元素的化合价A.降低B.升高C.不变D.无法确定.为什么? 制造塑料袋有没有利用回收的旧塑料? 安徽省明光市哪有收购废旧塑料袋的?是水泥袋 明光周边也行 求地址和联系方式 为什么聚丙烯塑料与稀硝酸不反应, 分子式为C10H14的有机物,苯环上只有两个取代基的同分异构体有多少种(不考虑立体异构) 十岁孩子吸几支烟会上瘾 吸多少根烟会上瘾`? extremely high body temperature in a deadly heat wave翻译 niggas in paris的中文翻译 谁有啊 英语翻译这是Maxwell--It is OK 歌曲里面的一句歌词,百度百科搜这首歌的时候这句没有翻译,百度知道搜索意思是:我想要你(还真是直白).我用google翻译却“是热起来不热起来” 英语翻译是整首歌歌词对照翻译.我没分了,哪个兄弟给力点翻译下 翻译我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚.We are in paris,( ) in the ( ).It's ( ) beautiful ( ) day. 期货合约棉花主力(030590),括号里面的数字是什么意思 英语翻译是说价值观的维度之一,four dimensions of values—self-enhancement,selftranscendence,openness to change,and conservation.请问如何翻译这个conservation会比较准确.注:要与管理学、心理学相关守恒性?保 although翻译 英语翻译Before you slip into unconsciousnessI’d like to have another kissAnother flashing chance at blissAnother kiss,another kissThe days are bright and filled with painEnclose me in your gentle rainThe time you ran was too insaneWe’ll meet Last summer holiday,I went back to my hometown,____ the neighbors and the houses___ I used to be familiar with were gone.A.\x05only finding ,whichB.\x05only to find ,thatC.\x05to find ,whomD.\x05found ,thatto find不是表目的吗?这里没有表目 last summer holiday,i went back to my hometwon,_the house and the neighbors_i used to be familiarlast summer holiday,i went back to my hometwon,___the house and the neighbors___i used to be familiar with were gone.A.only finding;which B.only to find; 谁有单机版的英语翻译器 就是那种断开网络能使得翻译软件 求中文翻译成韩语了,拒绝翻译机=))))需要翻译的东西太多,希望大家能帮忙.是不是翻译机翻译的,一读都能看出来.所以说拒绝翻译机.希望想用翻译机拿分的朋友还是不要费力帮助我了. 英语翻译TouchedShe is my daughter and is immersed in the turbulence of her 16th year.Following a recent bout with illness,she learned her best friend would soon be moving away.School was not going as well as she had hoped,nor as well as her mothe 冰毒能放在烟里吸吗