
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 05:02:59
经常、时常、常常词语辨析 词语的辨析书法老师擅长书法和古筝,“琴书雅韵”一词表达什么意思?可以贴在书法教室吗? 如果你一个人在家,你是非常害怕的,但你的心里除了感到害怕外,你还会有什么感觉(答案具体要词语)谢答案具体要二十字 我13岁,想问一个问题,希望现代汉语词典解释一下,可能我不懂.大家都知道开氏度 = 摄氏度 + 273.15 ,摄氏度 = 开氏度 - 273.15 ,怎么现代汉语词典附录上写的是1开=1开式度=1绝对度=1摄氏度?对了,那 It is cold in this room?请问:该句当中的“句子成分”是不是:1.主语——“room”2.系动词——“is”3.表语——“cold”4.定语——“this”还是:1.主语——“it”(用于代指“天气”)2.系动词— this is Andy'room.it is notThis is Andy’s room. It is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright .We can see some pictures and a nice kite on the walls. Andy’s bed is small .A clock is on the table and some bottles of milk are He hardly spent any time on his subjects.did he No,so he does badly in his lessons 见补充这句话中的NO是不是表示的是肯定?代表yes?但是为什么要这么说?有什么规则和技巧吗? he hardly spend any time on his subjects,____? _____,so he did hardly in his lessonsA.didn't he ; YesB.did he ; YesC.didn't ;NoD.did he ;No选什么呢,麻烦请详细解释一下哦.谢谢 he hardly spend any time on his subject,____?--_____.so he does badly in his lesson.A didn't he; NO B did he; No C didn't he; Yes D did he; Yes可是为什么,hardly不是否定含义的词吗 作文《我的信仰》 字数1000字左右请在二十四小时内回复我 连词成句:brother,he,is,has,this,eyes,my,big,Dodo (..) 英语翻译翻译:这件风衣这么酷你赶快就买了吧 This is —a cool windbreaker —you should buy it at once. Look,this is my friend Jack,he is tall and he is a little fat,he has two big black eyes 译的中文Look,this is my friend Jack,he is tall and he is a little fat,he has two big black eyes and a small nose,his mouth is small,too.He has short straight This is X.就划线部分提问(划线部分:x) 能言善辩的成语四个 选择正确的词填空:mine yours his hers ours theirs 1.this is her eraser.this is------.2.this is my glue.this is------.3.that is our folder.that is-----.4.these are his crayons.these are------.5.those are your books.those books are------.6this 英语翻译求这个翻译 为使配制更为准确,在量筒中配制100毫升10%的氢氧化钠溶液这个做法为什么是错误的? 晏子能言善辩,说起话来滔滔不绝,如倾泻而下的河流是什么成语 说话滔滔不绝,像河水倾泻下来一样,比喻口才好,能言善辩的词 He spent the remaining time finishing his paper.这句话中remaining是什么词性,什么用法? remain the same in different 3题,回答发短文 This computer is mine改为疑问句 This book is mine .一般疑问句,并否定回答 This is my hat.That hat is mine.怎样改为一般疑问句,意思相近,为什么改为一般疑问句会有差别. 已知tanα=√3.π<α<3/2π,求cosα-sinα的值目前只学了两个诱导公式,就是sina/cosα=tanα,还有(sina)^2+(cosα)^2=1 19题 高中必修四数学 贝兄组一起是什么字 如下几题,求出其值域以及求解过程,(1)y=cos²x+acosx+3(2)y=cos²x+cosx+2/cosx(3)y=3cosx+4/2cosx-1(4)y=sin²x+sinx+2/2sinx-1(5)y=cos²x-cosx+3/cosx+2答对一定重谢!外加财富! 1.已知弧度数为2的圆心角所对的弦长也是2,则这个圆心角所对的弧长是( )A.2 B.2/sin1 C.2sin1 D.sin22.问答题已知扇形的圆心角为90度,弧长为L,求此扇形内切圆的面积..S=π r (r要平方)=12-8√2 .L(平方)/ 1、在棱长为1m的正方形的同一个顶点处有三个质点同时分别沿一条棱做运动,速度分别为2cm/s,4cm/s,4cm/s,求刚好十秒时连接较快的一个质点与其他两个质点的叫的正弦.2、是否存在一个实数k,使