
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:07:53
大专生英语三级没考能不能直接报四级 在校大专生,英语三级和四级可以同时报考吗 大专生过了英语四级后还要过三级么 赞美冬季景色的诗句用于作文中 赞美冬天的散文诗句 赞美南方冬天的优美的句子、(100字左右)谢谢了、 赞美冬天雪景的诗句写出出处和意思 设函数f(x)=(1\3)x^3-(1+a)x^2+4ax+24a,其中常数a>1.讨论f(x)的单调性.(2)若当x>=0恒成立,求a的取值范围. 英语翻译.I could see that my wife was __________ having that fashionable coat,whether I approved of it or not.A.determined to B.intent on C.short of D.focused in 怎样的方法对提高英语最迅速 有什么方法最快提高英语成绩? 用什么方法能最快提高英语成绩 是形容怎样的人?男的,女的? 1.They won't make it _____ they work very hard.-I agree with you.They _____ try their best.A.if;may B.unless;must C.unless;may D.if;must 2.I know you won't go there by air,but by train __.-You're ______ right.I've ordered one ticket at the train stat 就是呢,为什么把一根小钢针磁化一定要把它放在磁铁上“朝同一个方向”摩擦,而不能“来回摩擦”呢?英语:rock与stone这两个单词有什么区别呢?词典上两个都有岩石的意思. 自己写一个赞美冬天的诗,现在立刻马上 男孩给女孩送一支笔表示什么意思?我与一个男孩子是好朋友---是那种谈论过感情这事的一类!有一天我们边吃饭边聊天了好长时间,我们彼此都明白双方都走得太远,但是又在想着要一块过.就 1 关于赞美冬天的古诗 《大学英语(1)》在线作业二41.The little girl must have lain there for a long time,____________ A.mustn't sheB.hasn't sheC.wasn't sheD.didn't she满分:2 分42.Only when the plan failed____________ his mistakes.A.did he realizeB.does h 大学英语一第二次作业!She made a great ___ to get the work done on time.选项:a、ablilityb、lengthc、forced、effortHe was ___ to stay in the small town that he never thought of going to somewhere else.选项:a、pleaseb、presentc、con 大学英语(一)第二次作业91.- Something went wrong with my television last night.- _________A.Don’t complain.B.How did you manage to do that?C.It’s impossible.D.I’m sorry to hear that.92.-This book is really excellent.I enjoy it very 英语,这些试卷时,怎样做效果最佳? 麻烦你们告诉我原因,否则我还是不明白的,谢谢你们了.I'm __ what sports students like doing.A:doing a survey of B:making a survey of C:do a survey about D:make a survey about (请问do a survey of 等于make a survey of ) 求通过点(1,2),且其切线的斜率为3x^2的曲线方程 赞美济南的诗句 对联 要比较全的! 赞美泉城的诗句急啊啊!不要太多的简单一点的呵呵! 英语口语如何快速提高?应该怎么练习? SAT自学语法和阅读语法自学时普林斯顿好还是巴郎写作那本好,我想过一遍知识点,而且每个知识点要有例题的那种.阅读的话怎么提高呢,(除了背单词)看什么书提高阅读能力好呢.推荐1,2本. 英语口语训练软件,需要掌握什么方法?能飞英语软件可以训练口语吗?英语口语训练,需要掌握什么方法?能飞英语软件可以训练口语吗?我现在讲话总感觉结巴,而且有时侯已经很熟练的话也讲不 1到10英语求学霸 help me!help me!