
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:10:43
雷锋生平干了哪些好事? 雷锋一生做的好事有哪些 雷锋一生做过的好事有多少? 电影《口是心非》英文简介 英文狡猾的英文是什么.谁看过新概念第2册的.狡猾他发音是"卡领"thieves.怎么拼出来.狡猾的狐狸. 狡猾用英语怎么说 口是心非的英文怎么写 口是心非英语怎么说 一间教室如果让甲打扫需要10分钟,乙打扫需要12分钟,丙打扫需要15分钟有同样的两间教室A、B,甲在A教室,乙在B教室,同时开始打扫,丙先帮着甲打扫,中途有帮着乙打扫教室,最后两个教室同时打 I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening.______It is not safe enough.A.agree B.I do not think so C.I do not know D.I disagree I think students should be aiiowed to do homework with friends. Should college students be allowed to invite their friends to spend night in their dorm?could you please give me some helps?do you agree or disagree?why or why not?if the answers are good,i will give more score to you,thanks!the topic is for debate a I think students should be allowed to choose their own clothes.________. They should concentrate more on their clothes than their studies.A.I'm afraidB.I guessC.I disagreeD.I agree选什么 为什么 求二元一次方程5x+4y=-30的负整数解 已知集合A={X|-2≤X≤5﹜,B=﹛X|M+1≤X≤2M-1﹜,若B⊆A,求实数M的取值范围.RT, 过点(0,0)(1,1)(4,2)的圆的方程是 Students should be allowed to do homework with their friends(改为否定句) 全神贯注作文300字 高一数学必修一 指数函数性质的应用 求解答 急求一编《思想品德课与我共同成长》的政治小论文~2000字~3Q急求一编《思想品德课与我共同成长》的政治小论文~2000字 完型:Should friends be different or the same?The followingShould friends be different or the same?The following is what three of my classmates say.My name is Mary.I like to have friends who are __26_me.My best friend Betty is taller and ___27___ 英语作文 Should friends be different or the same? should friends be different or the same?这句话里的知识点有哪些 改句:1、friends should be different(用the same改为选择疑问句)2、i like to have friends .the friends are like me .(合并为一句)i like to have friends _______ .3、sam asks the children .what are they thinking about sam asks the c should friends be different or the same的意思 幂函数中a为什么不能为0 幂函数指数为 1,2,3,0.5,-1时的图像 幂函数指数有什么要求么能等于0么,能等于1么,其他数是不是都可以 A打扫一个教室用20分钟,B打扫同一个教室用15分钟,同时打扫用多长时间? 幂函数中当指数取无理数是定义域情况 英语翻译 英语作文的时态的选择我看有的文章大体采用的是过去式,有的大体采用的是一般现在式,有的虚拟语气多些.我想问的是当我准备写一篇文章时怎样决定这篇文章整体上用什么样的时态?