
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:17:52
【首字母】大侠来相助!Tom and Helen had got m_____ and many relatives and their friends were enjoyTom and Helen had got m_____ and many relatives and their friends were enjoying their wedding party.There was plenty to eat and plenty to drink Tom and his wife always kept their money ____[A.alone B.separately]and use their own bank accounts for personal expenses.并请说明原因. longer vacations would give us time to do things like_________(volunteer) Long vacations would give us time to do things like volunteering中为什么volunteer要加ing 用a,some,any填空There is *bar of chocolate on the table. May I hanve a bar of chocolate?怎么回答 Tom is their _____son.a、the 2th b、 2th c、 the 2nd d、 2nd The pair of glasses __Tom's .____new.A.are,They are B.is,They are C.are,It is D.is,It is选哪个 桥之美 仿写田野无声,画家们爱于无声处静听桥之歌唱文字无声,作家们爱于无声处__________,他们创作,仿佛____________ 田野无声,画家们爱于无声处静听乔桥之歌唱,他们寻桥,仿佛孩子们寻找热闹.分析 王雅云的听雨 里面 我听到了爱游走在身边的声音 如何理解这句话 I like to do the things you do.句子成份怎样划分? 请把这句话翻译成英文.汉语:你要根据你平时说话的方式和习惯去总结, 菡萏怎么读 我的心很痛英文怎么说? Do you like more milk?Just (a little/little) ,thanks 请问选哪个 Life is like a bar of chocolate.You’ll never know what you’ll get如何理解应该说我说的不完整 我的意思是如何阐述 讲述那种精神 以及个人对阿甘正传的理解 最好是英文的 字数500多吧 life is just like a box of chocolate. you'll never know what you're gonna get.这句话是什么意思啊? 1I want to buy a new bike,notan___one2Jack is___.Please give him some food. 此刻我的心真的好痛英语怎么写 There ____a lot of coal mines in the south,but many of them have been closed orThere used to be a lot of coal mines in the south,but many of them have been closed or are _____be closed.横线上可以填about to ,going to,to,supposed to中的哪些, There uesd to be a lot of chemical plants in the south,but many of them have been closed or are ? be closed. A to B supposed to说明原因 荷花的荷怎么读? do you want to eat some food?do you want eat some food 为什么不用加to to 什么时候加 “解析域名”和“绑定域名”...【不要广告】、【不要百度百科里面的东西】.最好是举个例子. 补全句子 John has two children,Tom and Mary.Tom is Mary's___.Mary is Tom's___.John is their___. 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分.)V 1.Tom is _____ than John,and Bob is _____ in their class. I buy____chocolate in the supermarket. 应该填a bar of还是a loaf of急! 英语翻译他们感谢王玲送给他们的一些书.They thank wang ling ____ ____ ____ .菲利普早餐吃什么 what _____ philip____ ____ break-fast?我很乐意,但是恐怕我没有时间 —— —— that ,but ____I have___time 你要多少瓶牛奶?______ _____ ______ of milk do you want?填什么? Does your English teacher sing very___ a.good b.nice c.great d.well 选哪一个 what does mary has for breakfast?这句话翻译正确吗