
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 13:53:48
有关EXCEL中满足两个条件的公式的设立我想做一个并不算复杂的条件公式:如果D列小于等于1655,则F栏等于33.11,如果D列大于1655,则F列等于D*0.02,请教高手,不知道这公式该咋写呀,我老是写错…… excel 同时满足两个假设条件的连加公式如:有表1,B列是月份,C列是物品名称,D列是数量;表2,A5单元格是表1的C列物品中的某一个,L2单元格为月份,我需要在表2的某一单元格设定公式:当我在表2 一个长方形周长168厘米,它的宽和长的比是4分之3求面积 Excel中条件公式产量 原单价 实际单价 80 1.00 120 1.00使用公式计算:产量高于等于100时,实际单价等于原单价*1.1;产量低于100时,实际单价等于原单价*0.9请指 一个长方形周长168厘米,它的宽和长的比是4分之3求面积求简便步骤 一个长方形的周长是168厘米,长与宽的比是5:2,这个长方形的面积是多少? we like the shop (near our school).就括号部分提问 We want two good musicians for our school concert.(就划线部分提问) ______ _We want two good musicians for our school concert.(就划线部分提问) ______ good musicians _____ you ______ for your school concert 一个长方形周长是50厘米,长宽是5:3,面积是多少 一个长方形周长是40厘米,已知长比宽多50%,这个长方形的面积是多少? 已知不等3(x-2)+5 we all like our school,for________造句(15个字左右)急_______________,for we have a keen desire to profect the environment(15字左右)急 已知F(X)=ax三次-6ax二次+b,x∈「-1,2」的最大值是3,最小值是-29,求a, 函数f(x)=ax^3-6ax^2+b,x∈[1,2]的最大值为3,最小值为-29 求a ,b 若关于(a+1)x^4+x^b-3x+5是关于x的二次三项式,求(a+1)^2012, 为什么Dr.Black comes from either Beijing or Shanghai ,I can't remember ______.答案是which 请给个详解, He likes his new room【改为一般疑问句】We like[ our school]【就括号部分提问】 Do you think he looks like somebody from our school为疑问句,为什么用somebody We like our room.(变为一般疑问句His job is (worker).(用what对画括号部分提问) They are teachers.(变为否定句) We like piaying table tennis with our friends.(改为一般疑问句)今天就要! We have football game at our school.变成特殊疑问句 ax+1>0的解集为x<2分之1,求a的值 分段函数f(x)= 1 (1你应该做错了 f(x)=ax+1/a(1-x),其中a>0,记f(x)在0= 设f(x)=ax+(1-x)/ax(a>0) 记f(x)在(0,1]上的最小值为g(a),求y=g(a)的解析式要详解,最好有图像~ 1.Jim has made many friends since he [came] to china 为什么不是:Jim has made many friends since he [has came] to china 2.She said she was[ ]{get的适当形式}used to these table manners 已知抛物线C1:y1=a(x-1)2+k(a≠0) 急已知抛物线C1:y1=a(x-1)²+k1(a≠0)交x轴玉点(0,0)与点A1(b1,0),抛物线C2:y2=a(x-b1)²+k2交x轴与点(0,0)与点A2(b2,0),抛物线C3:y3=a(x-b2)²+k3交x轴与点(0,0 1 the comers walked round and round.They didn't know——?A where they will go B they will go thereC where will go D where to go2 -I will invite all my friends to come to my birthday party.-_____there's not enough room for so many people.(注意这 浙江教育出版社 初一语文浙江教育出版社16课的答案 浙江教育出版社 P61 猜成语万花筒( )无花果( )胜 境( ) 2011浙江教育出版社的初一语文寒假作业