
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 08:24:36
德语里自行车怎么说,加上词性 求德语los在句中的词性及中文解释.Poznan hat viele schöne,kleine Cafes und abends war da die Hölle los. WE SUPPORT YOU WE BELIEVE YOU是什么意思 We don't believe him because he is d_____ 品析下面句子风起了会消;云来了会散;雷鸣了会息;电闪了会灭 品析下列句子,武松回家探望哥哥,路过景阳冈.在冈下喝了很多酒,踉跄着向冈上走去.由于酒力发作,便找了一块大青石,仰身躺下,刚要入睡,忽听一阵狂风呼啸,一只斑斓猛虎朝武松扑了过来,武 Make sure that you have finished your homework that after he has finished his homework,he plays basketball.句中的he has after (he has )finished his homework,he plays basketball.句中的he has 读《格兰特船长的儿女们》有感快 Shall we _(meet)at seven thirty at the school gate 明天交,说出关键词为什么 Shall we meet at the school gate( ) 8:00( ) Sunday morning?A.at;in B.in;of C.at;on D.to;of Shall we meet at the school gate? 例:I don't (believe) his story because I don't (believe in) him 那么,请问believe和believe in的用 You'll never be better than you were tonight(英译中) What he said (cause) a lot of problems what he had said and done in the school(pleased/pleased with)his parents and teachers.应该选哪个答案是pleased with 为什么 it was not until the teacher came that he finished his homework为什么这句有not until 但是没有用倒装?具体解释下. Where shall we meet? Let's meet at,school gate. 翻译. What nail should you never hit with a hammer?(脑筋急转弯) what nail will you never hit with a hummet a man with hammer sees everythings as nail 怎么翻译? 求翻译tried to hit Vazquez's brother with a hammer again 英语翻译Not until he finished his homework did his mother allow him to watch TVin the evening. I didn't doubt what he said.I didn't expect him( )1.to mistake 2.to be mistaken 3.to have mistaken为什么选2,给15. 甲数比乙数多10.4,丙数比乙数少6.5.丙数比甲乙丙的平均数少( 改错,下列各题中有一处错误,找出并改正 He didn't understood what I said.The policeman smiled pleasantly and told her how to get to there.I putted the phrasebook into my pocket.The teacher came into the classroom quiet.She is not here.s 德语中的阴性词何阳性词,还有中性词有什么区别 如何分别一种物体是哪一种词性? 德语词性有没有规律 铁杵磨成针的故事,急 德语 Stufenland 啥词性? 德语的词性 (n) unz.(n) unz. 这是什么词性名词么,又不像比如werden 谁能翻译下the world is sick ,so kiss me quick这句话,翻译的优美些,谢了