
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:37:53
I am a boy.回答我也是.是Neither am I 还是either am i.哪个对为什么求解. sentence patterns and sentence types有什么区别? add.need.study.complete.paint.point.shout.wait.want的过去时 闻鸡起舞是什么意思 I am very interested in maths中为什么加interested而不是加interst或interesting 里海是内海吗? Classes _____ at 8:00 every day .A .study B.studies C.begin D.begins帮个忙啊 forget,say,think,run,spoil 的过去时 指环王中的魔戒9个戒指给了人类国王,他们都成为了戒灵了,怎么阿拉贡手上还会有一个戒指呢? 名词性从句 1 What the doctors really doubt is ( ) my mother recover from the serious disease soon.A.when B.how C.whether D.why2 ( ) is no reason for dismissing her.A.Because she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes lateC.The fact that As a result of mankind polluted the environment Environmental problem more than more serious 因为因为人类污染环境,环境问题越来越严重这样用英语翻译对么 黑海是内海,那么黑海舰队不就是相当于在一个大湖中的舰队了?存在意义大吗? 黑海是大西洋的内海吗? 黑海属于内海么? 英语翻译The campuses of our universities erupted into violence; above the confusion of voices could be heard slogans of social revolution.这是一个英语考试阅读里的一句话.前半句我懂,但是分号后面的那半句看得我凌乱 展开丰富的想象力,把句子补充完整.(1)生命的意义在于奉献而不是索取,如果你是一棵大树,就洒下一片绿萌,如果你是( )增添一份春色,如果( )就( ). whatever ,随你,还有什么词语可以这样表达简短一点 whatever后跟的名词单复数Whatever requests you make will be granted.Whatever is left over is yours.有时候后面接单数,有时候接复数.搞不懂,到底是怎么回事.应该不定代词后面是借单数的啊! whatever +名词 有这种用法吗?据说是省略,可以拿点可信的句子说明吗?whatever+名词 后面什么都不加了 whatever 后面跟的名词什么情况下用复数?什么时候用单数? we can buy clothes at that clothes sale的意思 她今天晚上给我打电话是什么意思呢? we are going to Sandy Beach对sandy beach 提问 ()()()you going to? we are going to (the beach画线) this summer画线部分提问 we are going to (the beach画线) this summer对画线部分提问 be credited be accounted be manufactured Archer Daniels Midland是什么意思 Archer这个单词是什么意思 【today TODAY WHILE THE BLOSSOMS STILL CLING TO THE VINE I’LL TASTE YOUR STRAWBERRIES I’LL DRINK YOUR SWEET WINE A MILLION TOMORROWS SHALL ALL PASS AWAY ARE WE FORGET ALL THE JOY THAT IS OURS TODAY archer的意思?