
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:55:36
消防员用了很长时间扑灭这场大火.The firemen ( )out the big fire 电路断路时,电路中的用电器两端还有电压吗什么叫断点 GB/T702-2002和GB/T3077-1999有什么区别? 为什么当电路断路时:电压表测断路处的电压等于电源电压;测没断路的用电器的电压为零? 大题,求GB/T706-2008的公差参数, 一个简单的电路,只有一个用电器,电路某处断路了,用电器两端是否还有电压 在串联电路中如果其中一个用电器断路则另一个用电器电压增大么同上 ( )Can you help me with my lesson?____.A.That's all right B.Never mind C.No,thanks D.With pleasure all right / that's right /right三者区别 that's right ,that's OK,all right 区别that's rightthat's OKall right that's all right It's OK A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house.When they went out,they always left the dog inside the house.   One evening they wanted ___32___ to the cinema,___33___ they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their ___34___.T That's all right与all right的区别thangks后面跟that's all right还是all right it should never ____:she went out and left the babyA have happened B happened C happen请问原因是? I saw the man put the money in the bag and went out.I saw the man put _____ the money in the bag and went out.all/whole/his/every 串联电路两个用电器,一个用电器断路,另一个用电器上并联的电压表示数如何变化? 怎样鉴别溶液里有硫酸根离子,碳酸根离子,硝酸根离子?因为上课时迟到了,老师讲的就没听到.o(>__ 含氯离子,硫酸根离子、碳酸根离子的盐溶液鉴别方法 如何鉴别溶液中是否含有碳酸氢根离子,碳酸根离子或硫酸根离子中的一位或几位? whether you go or not ,that is quite all right with me为什么用that 而不用which 或者as If you practise tu go with us,which will be ok.为什么这句又只能用which 语法分析 you are welcome That is all right的意思和区别 I knew nothing about the accdient until I---(read)the newspaper this morning/ We shall________ you in the lobby at seven.Is that all right with you? The police knew nothing about the case __ you phoned them.A while B since C after D until He knew nothing about the plan _____he came into the room.A.when B.until C.since D.so我们的月考题,总觉得A和B都对,到底选什么呢?老师说是B,那A为什么不对呢? We knew nothing about this until Jack _____us early this morningspoketoldtalkedsaid Jim knew nothing about it until her sister Kate told her.right? 水泥墙面能贴墙纸吗,如果贴要用什么胶水,谢谢要贴的话有这种胶水吗?粘水泥和纸!有没有适合的胶水? 为什么电压表串联的时候相当于断路,而与被测用电器并联的时候,又说有电流通过电压表到底会不会通过电流 玉米淀粉是什么 帮忙用戴维南定理求下图中的电压U, 粘木粉用什么胶 胶水粘在石托上用什么可以把胶水清洗掉