
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 15:56:14
已知双曲线x^2/4-y^2/2=1和点M(1,1)直线L过点M与双曲线交于AB两点,若M恰为AB的中点,试求直线L的方程RT 两个历史文化名人的比较就是济公和阿凡提 这两个人谁的传奇性 神话性与文化深度 思想内涵更高一些呢? I often hear the little girl ___(cry)in the morning.hear后面要不要加doing? 为什么不填crying?? I found a little girl ______(cry) in the room .是用crying 还是 cry Listen,the little girl______ ______(cry)适当形式 (2)Can you often hear the little girl____ in her room? A,sing B,singing 选哪个 The little baby often什么(cry)at night I spend an hour reading books in the library every day.(改为同义句) ( ) ( ) me an hour ( ) ( )接着上面books in the library every day. x立方减一 的展开式是什么? X立方减4X Daniel thinks speaking with foreigners--- because he can ---understand what they sayA,frustrated;hardly B,frustrating;hardlyC,frustrated;quickly D,frustrating;quickly None of the students (understand)what he (say)did they Any person who can read words and understand what they mean is fortunate.More than half the people in the world cannot read or write.中的fortunate是什么意思呢,是幸运的,还是财富? because they don't understand what you are ( )(说)请说明详细理由,谢谢.还有这个句子是不是含有宾语从句呀我觉得是said吧他们不理解你说的内容我的怎么就不行了。 They ware all delighted at the news __ Tom won the First Prize.They ware all delighted at the news __ Tom won the First Prize.A.when B,whichD,that选什么?为什么? 分式方程 大神解答 最好有过程 分式方程 ,求大神帮忙.! 先化简,再求值:(x²-1)/(x+2) ÷ (1/x+2 -1),其中x=1/3. C语言中表示一个数是完全平方数的代码? 甲乙丙三个数平均数是150,甲数是48,丙数与乙数相同,求乙数 北京申奥成功的原因经济,自然条件等区位因素分析 说明文的修辞方法 北京申奥成功的场面 北京申奥成功了作文当时我写是这样的,写看新闻的感受,其实我没看申奥成功的新闻,只是写如何的激动,这是一件如何好的事情.但是如果我现在来写,我可能会写,这个对经济的一些帮助,和对 问到初一数学用二元一次方程题做的题!一种蔬菜X千克,不加工直接出售每千克可卖y元,如果经过加工重量减少20%,价格增加了40%,问这x千克蔬菜加恭候可卖多少钱?如果这种蔬菜1000千克,不加 123是什么意思? 123是什么意思?拜托了各位 谢谢 the little girl oftenb wore jeans in the past.the little girl( )( )( )jeans(改为同义句)还有一个:the old man slept.the window was open.(合并为一句话) The little girl often wore a skirt in the pastThe little girl _______ _______ ________ a skirt The little girl was often late for school in the past.(改为同义句) the little girl often played the piano in the past 改同义句 The little girl ____ ______ ___the pian The little girl was often late for school in the past.改同义句The little girl______________________late for school.