
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 12:52:43
Were there any actors at the apuarium?作否定回答 Were there any students on the playground作否定答语 魔法师这个单词的英语是什么 一个斜王旁和一个宣,组合是什么字? What Climate Zone does America Black Bear live in?如题.还有,什么是Climat Zone?中文的翻译是什么? 他们这会儿在晚会上玩的开心吗?怎么翻译 hi my dear family.long time no see.and how's it going的翻译 but the parents n___________ to make sure that their children are warm.填入一个单词n打头的一个单词 英语翻译1当我走进房间时,他假装在看书.(pretend to)2父母应该设法劝阻子女吸烟.(discourage...from doing)3我给他办公室打电话,但打不通.(get through)4我宁可走路而不愿意坐公共汽车.(would r When my father was getting read for work,our house was ruled by knocks and words.翻译成中文 请帮翻译Father was angry and ordered that my brother leave the room at once. ”月光下的魔术师“用英语怎么说?Help me!sos.thanks 丑戌相刑怎么化解 “月光下的魔术师”的英语怎么说? 天干有己甲日时中正之合.地支有未丑年日相冲,未丑戌年日时恃势之刑. 历史上最厉害的魔术师,用英语怎么说 魔术师告诉我我的单词卡片变大了,英语怎么说 “辰、戌、丑、未遇刑冲,无人不发”是什么意思 请问大师,什么是丑未戌三刑?请为小弟解惑.我想和女友结婚,家中长辈都强烈反对,我曾经问了一个师傅,他说此婚很凶,我问为何?他说是丑未戌三刑.我八字属羊,女友属牛,我们又在狗年认识的. 辰戌冲为辰土治戌土?RT?坤造  辛    己    壬    庚(日空午、未)    酉    亥    辰    戌 请教一个句子成分what kind of movie do you like?里 以及类似这样的why when how much的提问里 什么是主语?是疑问代词还是后面的 you?宾语是movie吗?那请问疑问代词作什么成分 比如what Hainan is the h____ province in China 春天怎么才可以把风筝放好?今天是风筝节,可是我的风筝却怎么也放不上去,看着人家的风筝都在空中向我招手,我那份痛啊,没有会知, 特技风筝能放多高! There are some reports need to be typed,出自口语书,need前应该which,口语中定语从句的主语可以省略主语吗? 用there be 领导的定语从句不是用who么,要是there be 后是一件事或一个物也用who么?there be 引导的定语从句到底怎么选关系代词? 2sinAcosA=sin2A why doesn't Aunt Jeniffer tell anyone how old she is?请问如何翻译? Lily does not tell me the ()(原因)why she was late. 禽流感,怎么翻译,在new scientist 站点上看到bird flu,就是禽流感的意思吗? Bird flu is likely to occur( )there are a lot of birds,ducks or chickensA.where B.which C.what D.whether 什么是散热功率