
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:38:33
宾语从句that省略的问题宾语从句that省略的情况,是指that在主句中做宾语时,还是指that在从句中做宾语时省略? to be careful with fire is important(同义句) 求一篇以"a busy street"为题的英语作文不少于40词,时态任意 用一根长96厘米的铁丝,按长、宽、高之比为3:2:1剪断后焊接成一个长方体框架.这个长方体的体积是多少立方厘米? 求一首英文诗,要原版,不能是翻译成英语的.作者,关于青少年的问题,像love,moodiness,school.不用太长 学了语文六年级上册第一单元的感受(450个字)?请写一篇感受,四百五十个字!明天要交作业的!不是啦,是大自然 which city is different from the other three?A .london B .new york C .PARIS D.ROME 李明准备用96厘米的铁丝围城一个正方体的框架,那么围成的正方体的棱长是多少厘米? 阅读分析英语billy lived on a quiet street in a big city .mother sometimes took him the park to play .but when she was busy.she asked billy to play in the street .one evening,billy's father gave him a beautiful new ball,and the next morning bill 英语翻译When Johnson called again,the manager received him very politely.“That is a most remarkable oil you brought us,Mr Johnson,” he said.Johnson nodded his smooth,dark head.That was something he knew very well.“I've never seen anything l 英语的阅读分析 TFThirty-five years ago,it was an honour for an 18-year-old student to go Harvard University.But one young man soon found that his heart wasn't in studying law.He would spend many nights in front of the conputer and the next day 引导宾语从句的that可省略吗 如果that 引导两个宾语从句 前后哪个that 能省略举例说明 宾语从句的that是否可以省略? these days用什么时态? these days 用于什么时态 these days 是什么时态? 英语翻译如果在英语口语比赛中,"请多多关照"怎么说? There are also some substantial differences in the estimated slopes across deciles,indicating that the tax function for the entire population is clearly not linear.请英语高手们帮忙翻译下,我看了半天就是转不过来湾.不要翻译器 What day was yesterday 开头怎样回答 五年级上册语文第五单元有什么感受和收获 Kevin had gone to work in his home town after he graduated from university.语法正确吗 Kevin had gone to work in his home town after he graduated from university.为什么不对went to work 可是had gone to work 哪错了 What day was it yesterday?求翻译. 1.I don't know whether this is ___part that she played in Hero,___very famous film in our countryA.a;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the 2.All the workers except jack___to work at home A.allow B.allows C.are allowed D.is allowed3.I___with my aunt and uncle b these days是哪个时态的标志 五年级上册语文第五单元有什么感受和收获 作文 He drove home as quickly as he could only to find his house (had been destoryed) in the fire为什么不用was being destoryed?再说明白点 有in the home 在火灾中是in fire 还是in the fire (男生唱的)慢中节奏又好听的英文歌曲 单名一个其,性格比较强势,非常现实主义,取什么英文名好女生 以前用过很多英文名 到后来都觉得不适合自己 这方面比较了解的麻烦提个建议