
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:10:38
give up bad habits的意思 just far beyond me 急 people who send coded messages stand less of a chance of having their emotions understood 请翻译 就fast food culture这一话题该如何进行讨论?如题.讨论分三个部分 A.chinese food B.western food C.perference and popularity 想想可以从哪几个方面演讲? 用英语描写一位老师. 有一位教师,英文如何写 想要做一名地理教师需要什么?我学的是市场营销专业,现在想要做一名地理教师,请问我需要什么程序,怎么样才可以做一名地理教师?望能得到详细回复!谢谢! 一道高中英语选择题1356:Cultural fast-food ____ be tastyCultural fast-food ____ be tasty.But is it good for the brain?A.mayB.mustC.needD.will the students are cleaning the classroom(用often改写句子) The students are cleaning the ciassroom.(用often改写句子) 求房龙国 zelo never give up的mp3 求房勇国 & zelo的never give up MP3 主角是魏忠贤的干儿子 小说 根据刘宝瑞先生段子写的 本架空历史小说 写出下列对应的诗:最高的瀑布,最强的春风 【历史】魏忠贤的势力威胁到皇权了吗? 怎样练习西班牙语中的大舌音呀?我发不出来? 说西班牙语但不会大舌音或说得不好对日常和老外口语交流影响大不大? 谁知道you的物主代词和his的对应词分别是什么详细点,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 I think my father's tie matches hie shirt.(改为同义句) I think my father's tie () () () hie shirt. 英语选择Must I take some medicine?No,you()A、don’t needB、don‘t have to You look ill.So you must s() in bed for a moment. The chance a copy machine will break down is proportional to the importance of the material that needs to be copied and inversely proportional to the amoutn of time until the material will be needed. 初一语文《名校课题》第一课的答案,要快啊! 今年初一语文`数学`英语`的第一课的内容```求拉 填空That( )paul.( )is my brother I've got some good news too为什么用got,不用gotton?完成时态啊 一道英语题I've got some wonderful news.We've ……-I've got some wonderful news.We've been invited to the palace ball.-Really?____A.I don't believe so B.I can't believe it答案选B请问为什么,为什么不选A arrive+in/on/at的用法 My brpther is polite and helpful(对polite and helpful提问)( ) is your brother ( jack is polite and helpful.改为同义句jack is________ polite and helpful_______ “驿寄梅花,鱼传尺素”表达了什么意思是友情吗 驿寄梅花,