
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 09:55:43
已知f(x)是定义在(-2,2)上单调递减的奇函数,当f(2-a)+f(2a+3)小于0时,a的取值范围是? f(x)是定义在(-2,2)上的单调递减的奇函数,当f(2-a)+f(2a-3) 已知f(x)是定义在(-4,4)上的奇函数,它在定义域内单调递减 若a满足f(1-a)+f(2a+3)小于0求a的取值范围 f(x)是定义在(-2,2)上的奇函数,且是单调递减函数,若f(2-a)+f(2a-3)小于0,求a的取值范围. 我们村庄因出了很多名人而闻名 从这一件事可以看出陈毅具有什么品德? 陈毅用什么蘸墨水吃﹖ 陈毅吃墨水的两个墨水含义有什么不同? 名师导学总复习英语答案作文与词组,英语的!急. 昭君出塞有何积极作用? You are the hero you are the one You were destinYou are the hero you are the one You were destined to lose her But it's not the end Keep hoping and fight for your heart Memory will show you the direction Remumber There is a belief called love求翻 so the three pigs wandered through the world and were the happiest pigs you are ever seen的意思 Our team lose!They( ) by the other team.A.noticed B.were defeated C.won D.were encouraged 我现在觉得好寂寞好想找个男朋友谈恋爱,但是因为自己的外貌长得很丑经常感到好自卑,有什么办法解诀心理障 有关自信的作文!内容是一个女孩因外貌丑陋,身体发胖而自卑,后来变得自信 英语翻译21.Which of the countries doesn’t belong to individualistic culture?A.Italy B.New Zealand C.France D.Greece22.In a high power distance culture,the superior tends to A.treat employees respectfully B.display his authorityC.interact with w 急求英语题翻译(一) 跨文化方面的 请尽快 谢谢1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are .( )A. new technology and information system B. changes in t 英语翻译(1) ( ) Cultural generalizations must be viewed not as approximations (接近)of reality,but as absolute representations.(2) ( ) Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers.(3) ( ) Our re wei gan的拼音?不会 请问拼音是gan'mao,但不是感冒的词是什么? gan mi 根据拼音说一下这个词,意思和甘露相近!急 一次函数y=(m2-4)+(1-m)和y=(m-1)x+m2-3的图像与y轴分别交于点P和点Q,若P点和Q点关于x轴对称,求m的值.以上是一道初二一次函数的题,本人脑袋瓜不太聪明,(以上的m2是指m的平方)! I.can.do.this怎么翻译 请问its的名词性物主代词是什么啊?到底有没有,怎么书里没有写啊?如果没有我怎么表达呢? 翻译How can we do this? Anyone who can do this translation?Lucie,a student from the United States,has just arrived at Charles de Gaulle in Paris,the airport that greets a million visitors to Paris each year.Paris.Finally,It's always been a dream of Lucie's:to live in the ci because i have no friends and relations in London ,i don’t know----{我该向谁求助}〔turn〕Because i have no friends and relations in London ,i don’t know----{我该向谁求助}〔turn〕这是一个完成句子的 绩效考核用英文怎么说 绩效执行、绩效考核用英文怎么说 用一下短语造句:1.commit to memory;2.act out;3.can not help,各造两句, 一个人的知识越多越好用can not too 如何造句 运用三角函数知识解释,为什么e=a/c越大,椭圆越扁?e=a/c越大,椭圆越圆?