
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:01:18
英语好的人帮忙写两个对话(两个人各10句的对话!)急用有赏,1.You and your friend are at a restaurant and discussing what to have.2.You cannot find your wallet.You are asking your classmates(families) whether they have seen it s 反意疑问句中的否定词哪位能帮我罗列一下反意疑问句中含有否定意味的词?unhappy是不是否定词? 含有否定意义词的反意疑问句的问答Tom hardly hands in his homework on time,does he?________.Our teacher is always angry with him.A.Yes,he does.B.No,he doesn't 反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,怎么回答?例如,-he's unhappy,isn't he?-yes.he is.这里的回答意思是他高兴还是不高兴? come from读法我要练句介绍自己的英语 come from 这个单词不会读 你们谁会的用中文发音说下 一点不标准没关系come 音标给个 中文语言也给个 后面那个我知道了 come 的过去分词怎么发音read的过去式,过去分词虽然和原形同形,但发音却有变化,那么其它和原形同形的过去分词 它们的发音有变化吗?请举例子 两个简单的英语改错1.The bridge is 20-metre long2.here is such lovely cat. 2个简单英语改错题1 Until recently i learend advanced maths all by myself\2 In winter some wam-blooded animals can keep up their common temperature 简单的英语改错题英语改错题, 简单英语改错题~不一定只有一个错误,1.All the news are interesting to us.2.We all like your ideas of using the money to build primary school.3.If he refuess to pay ,i shall take measur against him.4.What a lovely hair you have 5.The joh 英语翻译这是我想对你说的我能遇见你,已经很不可思议了,xxx我像朋友一样喜欢着你.因为像朋友一样喜欢着你,所以希望你每天都过得开心,希望能惊我最大努力去保护你,虽然我不知道我能不 英语翻译翻译1.你能说说有关你自己的事情吗?句型转换2.Can you introduce yoursel?Can you _____ ______ about yourself3.I want to join the English Club?______ ______ to join the English Club.句子改错4.Would you like having a cup 我想要一个可爱的英文名字 最好还是很少人用的 我是N打头最好还是要有中文意思的... 确认单 英文翻译 确定的回答 英文翻译 我想要个可爱的英文名字..最后有点小兔兔感觉的,吵架可爱的那种,嘿嘿,谢谢咯.是,有点小兔兔感觉的,超级可爱的那种,! 关于冠词的中考英语选择题You left_"h"when you wrote the word"exhibition"A a B an C the D/为什么选b不选c呢? 教孩子学英语,应该注意哪些啊?总觉得自己发音不是太准 我要一个可爱的英文名我叫KITTY MAO还想再要一个英文名因为原来的那个太普通了哈哈 Tom is as tall as Jim 同义句Tom is as tall as Jim ( 改写成同义句)___ Tom ___Jim is tall. Tom is tall.Jim is short.合并为一句 Tom is tall.Jim is short.(用比较级合并句子) 名著的读书笔记!明天上午就要!要有好词、好句和复述、收获!书名也要!3篇外国的,5篇中国的.一定要有好词、好句和复述、收获!没有的我不+分啊!不要《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和《童年》《红 英文名字 女孩 可爱的 短一点 The "Chines dream" is____ dream to improve people's well -being and____dream of harmony,pasceand development.A.the;a B.a;a C.a;the D.the;the答案是B我选C 高一英语选择题(关于冠词)[在线等]The result of the peace talks is ( ) better understanding of the world on all sides,leading to ( ) future world where people from all countries are respected.A.a;theB.the;aC./;aD.a;a为什么选D? 做例句和解释词语仿照句子:我看到的是什么?如无云乱卷,如怒火,如狂飙.天边的火烧云像什么?如 -----------如--------如---------------------------------?如------------如-------------如-------------解释词语: 考四六级比较好的单词书是哪本 最好是有例句的 请问哪本词汇书Mp3中既读单词,又读例句?但是不读中文!请问哪本词汇书的Mp3中既读单词,又读例句?但是不读中文!四级的、六级的、考研的都行! 关于环境 英语情景对话 3人的 一人10句左右 谢谢 别了英语怎么说 急求关于节日的英语情景对话 10句左右