
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:05:39
如图,AD是⊿ABC的高,BE平分∠ABC交于点E,若∠C=70°,∠BED=64°,求∠BAC的度数. 文中破折号的作用是( ),引号的作用是( ) 短文第三段两次用了“扑”这个词,为什么不用“飞”呢?意想不到的事情发生了——一群海鸥突然飞来,围着老人的遗像翻飞盘旋,连声鸣叫,叫声和 若通过人体电流为30、40mA,电压分别为多少?人体电阻默认为800Ω 快速记忆的方法? 二道改写句子1.My shoes are the same size as yours.(保持句意不变)My shoes are _____ ______ as yours.2.Tom didn't come yesterday because he was ill.(对because he was ill提问)_______ ________ Tom come yesterday. 自己素质不怎么高,却总说别人素质底下!应该用个什么词或句子来表达? 2道英语~改写句子~1.Mr.Black is a famous novelist.The whole world will honor his contribution.(保持原意)Mr.Black is_______a famous novelist ________the whole world will honor his contribution.2.I began to study Frence at the age of four 2道英语改写句子1.I like to go there on foot.I like to ________ _________.2.I use ten minutes to walk there._____ ______ me ten minutes to walk there. 2道改写英语句子1.Nancy has sent five E-mail messages.(改成被动语态)Five E-mail messages ______ ______ ______ by Nancy.2.We are surprised to hear what you have told us.(句意相同)We are ______ ______ what you have told us. 2道英语改写句子~!帮下忙了!1.John managed to repair his car by himself (保持句意不变)John_______ _______ repairing the car by himself2.She was studying in school when he started his own clothing company (划线提问)________ ____ AD是三角形ABC的高,BE平分角ABC交AD于E,若角C等于70度,角BED等于64AD是三角形ABC的高,BE平分角ABC交AD于E,若角C等于70度,角BED等于64度,求角BAC的度数. 8=7个5分之5对吗?8=6又5分之10对吗?6又4分之3=5又4分之7对吗?9又3分之1=8又3分之4对吗?3=2又10分之20对吗? 在所有两位数中,个位数比十位数大的共有几个? my sister often see miss zhao ,reading in a reading room.这里的reading用法正确吗?可以改成read吗?reading前有逗号.这里的用法,是see sb doing My sister often_English for 20 minutes befor she went to bed?A、reads B、reading C、read D、toread为什么我选A错了,often后面动词不是要加s吗? she comes from shanhai对shanghai提问 She comes from singapore 疑问、提问 ,x2是关于x的一元二次方程x^2+ax+2a^2-3=0的两实根,求满足x1 Lily----from France.She is a French teacher.( are ,comes ,come ) 选哪个? ,x2是关于x的一元二次方程x^2+ax+2a^2-3=0的两实根,求满足x1 各投标报价与评标标底比较每高低一个百分点分别扣3分、1分.IF公式怎么写? _with John's,your conpostition this time is not so good.A.ComparedB.ComparingC.Having comparedD.To compare 给分的第一个给 已知一次函数Y=-X+4与反比例函数Y=K/X在同一直角坐标系内的图象没有交点,则K的取值范围是? 招评标 废标原因“报价单位”, 哪些情况应该废标,废标后如何处理? I need to clean the bird cage every day.改为一般疑问句 _____you_____to clean the bird cage everyI need to clean the bird cage every day.(改为一般疑问句)_____you_____to clean the bird cage every day? 第一个来的送分 送分.第一个来的有. 谁第一个了来,我给他分 已知一次函数y=-x+4与反比例函数y=k/x在同一坐标系内的图像没有交点,则k的取值范围是多少? 锂电池上标的5.2 这个是5.2A -Hr哦 不是5.2Ah