
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:37:27
高等代数 可对角化线性变换的问题A是方阵,证明,若rank(A)+rank(A-E)=n,则A可对角化.A是方阵,证明,若rank(A+E)+rank(A-E)=n,则A可对角化 let's play football _____ school.(介词) 一、根据首字母完成下列单词.1.Can you play football after school?Yes,of c__________.一、根据首字母完成下列单词。1.Can you play football after school?Yes,of c__________.2.My sweater is red and green,what about y_________?3.Lo do you don't like it.either?可以这么说吗? Do you like it? 试求线性空间的一个线性变换,满足A((1,-1,-3))=(1,0,-1)A((2,1,1))=(2,-1,1)A((1,0,-1))=(1,0,-1) V上的所有线性变换构成线性空间 那这个线性空间是在什么数域下的呢如题… 找错 september is the nineth month of a year 设α是n维线性空间 V的线性变换,那么 α是双射 α是单位变换(×) Can you tell me why you like it here so much?句子里面的it指的是什么?这句子里讲的是什么语法? 看答句写问句 1.Mike has a birthday in november 2.My aunt is answering the phone. 首字母 Shanghai is a big city now,It is o___ of the biggest cities in the word 形式单词 shop come China play see rice for,come,our,to,store,see,and,yourslf来连词成句 It's( ) coat.Here.you.are.It's( ) coat.Here.you.are.A.your.B. the boy ( 0 is lying under the tree is my brother The boy is Nancy's brother .The boy is under the tree.(改为复合句)The boy( )( )under the tree is Nancy’s brother. 填诗句的题:( ),强中更有强中手.网上有人说是:一山更比一山高我觉得是山外青山楼外楼,哪个更好?急,明天要 (一山更比一山高)比喻什么数字? 你还记得这些表示谁的词吗?试用our,your,his,her,their填空( 越快越好 )ken and___sister ann aways help___father with the housework on sundays."Did you clean_____mother 's car,children?" "No,we didn't." she went our in _____car this Just do it as you like!Keep moving Here we go:D Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving中文意思 we should keep quiet here 同义句 we should keep ____ here 关于【强中自有强中手,一山更比一山高寓意】的小故事关于人要谦虚不骄傲的故事,适合在公司开会讲.不要太长.以为给成年人讲.最好有些深度 为什么说目前中国的机遇大于挑战? 一山更比一山高,强中自有强中手.商朝封王风中走,成吉思汗射大雕.--打一动物?36种动物中的一种 请摸摸你的鼻子 英语翻译1.未能事人,焉能事鬼2.未知生,焉知死3.君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚3.文质彬彬然后君子4.人法地,地法天,天发道,道法自然5.无为,无不为 Now I'm standing in the cold,I know that it's such a long way down,but I'm trying not to fall. 怎么让英语口语学的更好? 女生英文名Ellie、Jolie 哪一个好? 提供一些关于天灾的英文单词,比如:旱灾,drought越多越好,算了,我来说中文吧