
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:16:38
I decided to write a letter to him instead of calling him up同义句I decided to write a letter to him instead of calling him up=I decided to write a letter to him _____ _____call him up I wil be the manager of the company instead of him.请问instead of him 在句中是什么成分? 五年级上册数学找最大公因数地方法是什么 我准备去新加坡读初三,英文不好,怎么办?在广州有没有有关的过渡课程? 设复数Z1≠ 1,(Z1—1)/(Z1+1)为纯虚数,复数Z=4/(1+Z1)²所对应的点的轨迹方程 解英语单项1.All____glitter is not gold A.that B.which C/ D what2.I now know why Mao impresses everyone who meets him the way ____he doesA.which B what C/ D.now3.He made another wanderful discovery ,____of great importance to scienceA which I thi 大哥大姐,1.______by Sang Lan's story,the young girls have the motivation to overcome all the difficulties.a.Inspired b.inspiring c.being inspired d.to be inspired2.______,I passed the most difficult exam I have ever had.a.it is my pleasure b.to m 英语的单项选择题 得到正解悬赏100Here is the photo of my parents.It's______.A.I B.me C.my D.mine--Is that_____camputer? ---Yes,It's______.A.you,mine B.your,me C.you,me D.your,mine.--Is that her pen over there? ---No,_         一把钥匙只能打开一把锁.现在有6把钥匙,6把锁,但不知道哪把钥匙开哪把锁,最多要试多少次才能配好全部的锁? 请问有朋友用电容麦出现过声音时大时小的状况吗?有时候开一点就够了,有时候又要开很大才有!唱着唱请问有朋友用电容麦出现过声音时大时小的状况吗?有时候开一点就够了,有时候又要开 人 为何要为自己而活!拜托各位大神 人能不能只为自己而活?拜托各位大神 日全食时气温真的有下降吗? 请问在日全食发生时,气温一般会下降多少?昨天(2009年7月20日)我们这儿有报纸说日全食发生时气温可能下降15到20度!今天我所在的社区也贴出了“温馨提示”说日全食发生期间气温可能“ "心有灵犀一点通"的前一句是什么啊? 心有灵犀一点通的前一句是什么急,第一个回答对的人有奖赏,不要有错字! we had our picnic next to a fallen tree in the forest.翻译,语句通顺(正常一点儿) (代词)(急)If you want a ticket for a round-trip.Sir,you'll have to pay ___ $80.A .another B.other C.each D.moreAll ___ they have done is good for us.A.what B.when C.why D.thatThe table ___ leg was broken was fixed by Mr.Wang.A.whose B.which C. 一些关于初中英语代词的问题,1`你有什么有趣的事告诉我吗Do you have _____ ______to tell me?A.all B.either C.every D.none2`Can I have some more ice cream ,Mum?Sorry.There is ____left in the fridge.A.none B.nothing c.no one D.anyt Carmen isn't the tallest girl in the class,but shi is taller than _____ students.A.any of the students.B.someC.any otherD.some of the ,但是 B好像也没错误,some of the / some 的用法 说说 They each _____ a beautiful flower.A.has B.gets C.is 初中英语(代词的)1.The ground is just right,( )too wet()too dry A.either,or B.both,and C.between,and D ,nether ,nor2.I find () difficult to talk with him A.this is B.this C.one D.it3.Where did you plant ( ) trees (some/any)4.I can s The shoes are too big for me ,please show me a smaller ( ).为什么不能用one ,可以填pair 门簪是什么? 为什么矩形的对角线组成的三角形面积相等 定语从句填关系代词句式结构分析We are living in the age____we have a lot of things to learn about答案是that或which就不知道它代的是什么 数学第九题帮下忙 It couldn't have been on the moon. 石景山游乐园的门票是50元一张,主办单位为了吸引游客,决定降价.降价后游客增加了一半,收入增加了1/5每石景山游乐园的门票是50元一张,主办单位为了吸引游客,决定降价.降价后游客增加了 石景山游乐园的门票是50元一张,主办单位为了吸引游客,决定降价.降价后游客增加了一半,收入增加了1/5.每张门票降价多少元?必须用一次元方程,或算式.希望还讲出列法的原因. 石景山游乐园的门票是50元一张,主办单位为了吸引游客,决定降价.降价后游客增加了一半,收入增加了5分之每张门票降价多少元? 如图,在正方形ABCD中,点O为对角线AC的中点,过点0作射线OM、ON分别交AB、BC于点E、F,且∠EOF=90°,BO、EF交于点P.则下列结论中:(1)图形中全等的三角形只有两对;(2)正方形ABCD的面积等于四 簪怎么组词