
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:57:25
快得(),静得(),热得()在括号里填上合适的词 英语翻译起始分一百不行的话课文原文也可以 It must still be there,( A isn't itB mustn't itC needn't itD doesm't it He must be still there,____ A.mustn't he,B.isn't he C.must he.D.is heHe must be still there,____ A.mustn't he,B.isn't he C.must he.D.is he 歌词中有I MISS YOU 歌词的,中文歌,女生唱的,歌名三个字歌名不是I MISS YOU ,只是歌词中有那么几句I MISS YOU,歌名是三个字的中文 关于still的用法及位置有一句still i believe,还有She is charming still.still到底应该在哪里, 找missing you这首女唱的歌我从千千静听上偶然听到了一首叫 missing you的歌.当时歌手名是写 未知.是个女的唱的.前面是有小段钢琴.后面从开始唱就有节奏,是慢摇感觉的节奏.很好听.前面的钢琴 帮我解释下这句话中STILL的用法Because the Internet is so unique in the history of the world----and still a relatively new phenomenon ----several widespread myths about it have surfaced. 解释下STILL在这句话中的用法为什么是做 still的用法!这句话该怎么翻译呢 “昨晚也还不迟啊 ” still应该放在哪里啊still到底是形容词还是副词呢 i miss you 流光字小写,3个字分开 黑底,别的无所谓 要有视觉冲击力,非主流的!尺寸不要太小.Q相册贴图用.再搞个3个字一块的,和3个分开的字要一样, 顺便再搞个Q头像,I MISS YOU 小写,竖着排列 头 I MISS YOU 这首歌里的女生是谁唱的? How do students in our class get to - We will learn more ( ) the moon soon.A\about B\from C.to D.on 以 How do students in our class get to school 为题 写个短文 急. how do our clussmates get to school写一篇作文60字 how do students - - -(世界各地)get to school?三个单词 how do you get to school 口语作文谁能帮我像一篇作文阿?但是最后是要说的,大概50字~ The__(hard)you work .the__(much)you will learn大神们帮帮忙 For example与such as 的区别 这个虚拟语气是什么时态加什么时态,If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating. If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating.这里为什么不能改成were to be a heavy snow?不是表将来吗? If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating.这句话为什么要用were不用was?was不是过去时么 我是想问a heavy snow貌似是单数 为什么不用was Inventors have changed the way we live.So they are famous for the great things they___.为什么did? The students are having a PE lesson.(改为一般疑问句) The students are having a PE lesson.为什么要用(are having)? the students of class two __ a pe lesson now.1 is having 2 are having 3 have 女朋友说要好好享用我的身体,把我吃掉, I miss you I like u and i miss u ,ever. “调教”是什么意思? 比如有人说,看来我该好好调教调教你了是异性说的 if i see him ,i _ him the news right away A、will tell B、tell C、would tell D、told ____ he gets angry?-if I were you,I would tell him the truth,and he won't be angry,I think.A.What happensifB.What ifC.What willD.What happen