
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:59:14
i will call you tomorrow 的中文意思是什么 where is the picture which you bought yesterday?这里用which有错吗? I will call you tomorrow(同意句转换) 这名演员叫什么?她主演的这部电影的名字和地址? walk past为什么walk后跟介词past 已知奇函数y=f(x)的定义域为{x│x≠0,x∈R},若f(x)在(-∞,0)上是单调递增函数,且f(-1)=0,求不等式xf(x)<0的解集. 已知y=f(x)定义域为(0,+无限大),且是单调函数,并且满足f(2)=1,f(x/y)=f(x)-f(y).(1)求证f(x²)=2f(x)(2)求f(1)的值(3)若f(x)-f(x+3)≤2,求x的取值范围 求学历高解答 Were you interested in them?(变陈述句) where __you ___the picture___?A have had took B had had taken C did have taken D have took /请问这个题目应该如何做呢 答案是C he had the name of Willian Henry after his father and grangfather He was n___william herry after his father and drandfather. 苏教版初一上册数学拓展强化导学练10到11页的答案,要清楚有一列数0,18,48,100,——根据规律在横线上应该填多少?请你把这个数填在横线上。 求使√x+√y=√99成立的整数对能够给出过程最好 已知12+根号5=x+y,其中x是整数,且0<y<1,求x-y+根号5的平方根. What's the other name of Father Christmas aside from Santa Claus?请回答不要翻译 What's this?()is a photo of my famiy. 比较2X和X的平方的大小关系当X=( )时,X的平方>2X当X=( )时,X的平方 1.某项工作,甲独做4天完成,乙独做8天完成,现在甲先做一天,然后和乙共同完成余下的工作,问完成这项工作共需要几天?2.已知兄弟三个岁数的和是30,如果大哥的岁数减2,二哥的岁数加2,弟弟的岁 若f(X)=x平方-2x+2,则f(-1)与f(π)的大小关系是? 要是我们能够在今天结束的时候把这首唐诗译成英文就好了!(at the bottom of)上面那是个句子 要翻译成英文! 求证:对任何整数x(1),x(2),…x(14)都不能满足x(1)^4+x(2)^4+…x(14)^4=1999最后式子应该是x(1)^4+x(2)^4+…+x(14)^4=1999漏了一个加号 先化简,再求值2b^2+(a+b)·(a-b)-(a-b)^2,其中a=-3,b=1/2 我大声的喊 是用call什么?(后面加什么介词) CALL某人用什么介词there is a telephone call ( ) you,Kate.Please tell me its _______(important).I can call her for [more information](对中括号内容提问)____can you call her ______?Does Babara go to work_____bus or ___foot? She went to Bristol yesterday 用where针对Bristol提问 3(x-y)=9,x^2+y^2=111.xy的值 2.3x^2-3xy^2 当x=3又4分之3,y=-|-9又11分之5| z=-(2.25),求(-x) +(-y)+z的值一小时内交答案 i found she went to the same place _ i went to.A which B as C where 求详解 She went to the b____to enjoy the sands 关于“avoid、call、come”的介词短语 he doesn't know____________.这是一句宾语从句对吧,宾语从句用陈述句语序对吧,陈述句语序为关联词+主语+谓语+其他对吧.那为什么正确答案是where his food is 而不是where is his food is 不是谓语么? Can you pick it up for me,please改为祈使句