
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:07:22
从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来 谁写的? If you love a person ,what are you do ? 中国地势三阶梯主要特征是什么 Look!The seal is so________!A.funB.funnyC.funnier sally is looking at the the plane (和朋友一起) Look the ground is so wet .Look,the ground is so wet.Yes ,it seems as if it _______.A.rains B.rained C.were rained D.have been rained 国家前面要加the吗?不是缩写,比如China.又比如:梵蒂冈比摩洛哥小.在这个句子里两个国家前面要加the吗? 1.He doesn't in ( ) countries.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others our school has a lot of students from other countries.中用:other还是用othersOur school has a lot of students from( other )countries.A:other B:others C:the other D:another请问我选择:A 夸张手法的句子有什么不是【飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天】 My last salutations are to them who knew me imperfect and loved me 出自哪里或哪本书?我记得以前看到这句话的时候映像很深刻,所以就记下来了.然后想找出自什么地方,就找不到了. 跪求2011年春季学期毛泽东思想概论第三次作业答案 急My last satutations are to them who know me imperfect and loved me!My last satutations are to them who know me imperfect and loved me!到底什么意思啊? my last salutations are to them who knew me imperfect and loved me怎么翻译 i know you are imperfect and i love you这话有没有语法错误? Tom liked painting pictures before 同义句转换 Tom liked painting pictures___ ___ ___ Tom liked painting pictures before同义句转换Tom___painting pictures 司马相如和卓文君之间写的诗有那些?如题 尽可能的多…… 一个人跑步前有人提醒他“小心摔倒”,结果他真的摔倒了.这是一种什么效应?不是乌鸦嘴,是一种效应. 求个跑步摔倒后的写作片段可以写摔倒后同学怎么怎么对他照顾等等 我们班一位同学,运动会跑步摔倒了仍然爬起来跑,我要为他写一段话评奖,帮忙写一段儿参考,要正经点的 Painting Pictures 歌词 Are you capable of painting beautiful pictures?的意思 3 We h___ a sports day on the 3rd of April (首字母填空) leave是什么意思 毛泽东思想解决了什么? 毛泽东思想在新中国成立前解决的主要问题是什么 这些偶然遇到的事情,我真的难以忘怀吗?改成肯定句 这些偶然遇到的事情,我怎能忘怀呢?(改肯定句)如题 什么叫天意?很多时候没有晚一步,没有早一步就遇上了,如果是一两次就是偶然,如果频率很高,就是天意吗是否要顺从天意?还是克制自己的情感.是逗留下去,还是选择忘记?如果预知到是没有结 皓腕凝霜雪 形容的是什么? Mr.Thompson is selling his pub.His pub is.新概念 选择Mr.Thompson is selling his pub.His pub is.选择哪项?A.sold B.to let C.for selling D.for saleC为什么不可以呢?新概念2,46课中有句,After he was arrested,the man admitted hiding in