
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:07:45
夜晚天上最亮的那颗星星叫什么名字?为什么总是那么亮?它离地球多远?关于它有没有传说? 天上看到的星星大概离我们有多远(如近点的)天上看到的星星大概离我们有多远,比如我们随便看到的一颗,回答得天文一点也没关系 英语翻译A man goes to see a boy at a school .The teacher asks,"Is he any relation toyou?"The man answers,“Brothers ang sister I have none.But this boy's father is my father's son.”What is his relation to the boy? 息息相关中的息是什么意思 息字有什么词语? 最近的星星离地球有多远 北方四季开的花 要有代表性的 like后面为什么要加to?什么时候要加to? 初一英语like后面为什么要加to i like to draw 是哪种句型结构 息 可以组的词语 我国最北边的城市 中国最北边的城市是? 中国的最北边的城市是哪里? 中国最北边最远的一个城市是哪 l'd like to make a puppet改一般疑问句 We are making (puppets)?puppet加s吗 息怎么组词 would like to (identify) the beautiful flowers in my neighbor’sI would like to (identify) the beautiful flowers in my neighbor’s garden.In other words,I would like toA.find out what kind of flowers they are.B.plant the flowers.C.take the flowers. I'd like____the most beautiful flowers for you.A to send B to pickC buyD to give(选哪个?为什么?) Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美.这么翻译对吗?请问这是谁说的 是泰戈尔吗?出自哪里 这个网址可以看到泰戈尔的飞鸟集 如果让火星靠近地球轨道有可能不?能不能用核弹让火星靠近点太阳,离地球近点,不就可能有生命了吗 I——now ——(teach)in a big school.I——(teach)English.横线上填什么 My father bugan to teach English in 1982.改为现在完成时!(也就是把bugan改为延续性动词) 英语翻译To "cut" the paper away,draw polygons representing scissor cuts over the triangle in the drawing board to the right.Draw a polygon by clicking on the board to create vertices,and close the polygon by clicking on the first vertex.After the 你看我这样说对么,火星的轨道平面夹角就是火星公转轨道与地球公转轨道的夹角,而火星轨道倾角就是火星赤道与地球公转轨道的夹角还有请问下轨道偏心率是什么啊? 释的组词 释怎么组词 一元函数微积分的重点是什么 At the foot of the hill,however,__ was a small house with a tree in front of it.A thereB whereC whichD it为什么选A?如果要选C 该怎么改? One afternoon David plays soccer in front of a house with his friends.……One afternoon David plays soccer in front of a house with his friends.A young woman comes up and asks him,“David,is your father at home?”“Yes,he is.” Answers the boy. 狗的生物分类狗在分类上属什么“-界-门-纲-目-科-属-种”