
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 07:42:44
英语what do I do with myself里面包含的语法知识 某某销售后面 用那个好 Sales / Sale如 Car sales /sale . agree 近义词辨析agreeagree withagree toagree on请对这四个词做详细的辨析 不要讲得太深奥 agree with的近义词组 get lost和lose one's way 过去时里 变成she lost her way .she get lost. lose one's way 和 get lost的异同 sales admin谁能帮我解释一下着个单词的意思 英语翻译Sales Supervisor in Shenyang 可以不? 英语翻译A store owner was tacking a sign above his door that read "Puppies For Sale." Signs like that have a way of attracting small children,and sure enough,a little boy appeared under the store owner's sign."How much are you going to sell the p why 近义词组 not old 的近义词,要求开头字母以y开头;not light 的近义词,要求开头字母以h开头 从国外买的商品上贴的价签上写着+TAX,是说价签上的价格已经含税了呢?还是提示需要另外支付税呢? I was terribly () about the children when they didn't come home from schoola开头的 I'mworried ,the children when they didn't come back home from school.英译汉 只知道读音不知道拼写读音是“o 伟 s"是什么单词? 我都不知道我该怎么办有英文怎么拼写 请你依照划线的句子,仿写两句话 有一个名叫地球的星体上,有一种叫人的生物发明了房子.划线的的句子是他们把大自然关在门外,却对着窗户和电视观察世界 拼音不知道怎么拼 仿写:在一个名叫地球的星体上有种名叫人的生物发明了房子.他们把大自然关在门外却对着窗户和电视观察世 My dog is only____(run)a round with me.为什么这样填? 子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之! 一面墙上可以开多少窗户和门 汉语会读会写为什么还要学拼音呢 怎么学拼音才会读 《宽容的等待》读后感三月的时候,我养过几只黄斑粉蝶.那时候油菜花开了,小白菜再不采收,也就要冒出一朵一朵黄色的小花,小花有它特殊的气息,引来了一群又一群的黄斑粉蝶在花间觅食、 宽容 读后感哪位能帮帮写写啊,要像是读后感的? 宽容的读后感 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子.1.It's very dry.But people don't have e___ water to drink.2.What's you w___?You look so thin. what do we have rain?1.the sun shines on the water 2.3.it is very cold in the sky.接上面:The water vapour becomes clouds4.5.2、4和5都怎么填? have water f in the river f开头的 写什么单词 have water f in the river round and sweet的意思 求拼音,除了这个还有几个