
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 15:33:20
创字组词四字 创有什么音,分别能组什么词创是多音字吗?如果是都有什么音?能组什么词? 关于伯牙钟子期的成语 “伯牙所念,钟子期必得之”,用一个成语来形容? Terra Cotta Solders RT terra cotta the Terra Cotta Worriors的意思 请问,terra cotta ,hunter green ,speckled beige & granite 其中hunter green ,speckled beige & granite 可能是三种颜色 China 's first underwater museum of terra cotta warriors is in____,Jiangsu Province. 13和14题怎么理解? 高中英语选择解析1、If you are not on a package tour during the peak tourist season you must _____tickets and hotel rooms before you go .A\schedule B\order C\organize D\reserve 选D2、 It was in the house ____he visited last week ____a murde ________a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.A.It has B.They haveC.It remains D.There remains 14为什么选b 伯牙破琴断弦的原因是()可见,对于钟子期的死,伯牙().表达了伯牙“破琴断弦”的原因是()可见,对于钟子期的死,伯牙().表达了 看见伯牙破琴绝弦的行为,你想对他说什么? 钟子期死后伯牙破琴绝弦的做法对吗 钟子期死,伯牙破琴绝弦,终身不复鼓琴,以为世无足复为鼓琴者. 急!急!急!哪位大虾能告诉我钟子期死后伯牙为什么破琴绝弦,终生不再弹琴呢? much和far那个能修饰比较级How did you find your visit to the museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was( ) than I expected.A.far more interesting B.so more interestingC.a most interesting D.much more interested麻烦每个说明理由 谁可以讲讲英语比较级中far much等修饰词有什么区别啊谢拉 Xi'an is not only famous ___ an old city but also famous____Terra Cotta Warriors 选填as和for 英语翻译速求, 英语``改错`` ( 都来看下哈`)This morning i got up early and went to school as usually,only find there was nobody in the classroom because it is Sunday."How a bad memory i have!"i couldn't help laughing.Stand in front of the school gate,i 英语翻译R.N.Miroshin There was a time _____ I hated to go to school.A.when B.which.C.where Dthat 29.There was ________ time __________ I hated to go to school.(2004湖北) 是不是a lot、much、a little、even 后一定是跟比较级如果不是,大概如何区分呢?still,far 后是不是也跟比较级 怎样练英式英语 有没有练习英式英语发音的材料,多推荐一点,需要挑选一下.主要是发音的练习,有循序渐进的系列材料最好,主要是听起来地道. 如何练习“英式英语”语音 德语 ich habe nur noch eine karte.noch 在这里怎么理解德语 ich habe nur noch eine karte.noch 在这里怎么理解 德语:in den Vereinigten Staaten 含义