
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 15:05:19
若关于x的一元二次方程x^2-6x+k+1=0有两个相等的实数根,则k的值为 若关于X一元二次方程x^2-6x+k+1=0有两个相等的实数根,则K的值为 已知椭圆的中心在原点,焦点为F1(0,负的二倍根号二),且离心率e=三分之二倍根号二,求椭圆的方程 1.sina+cosa=(√2)/2(0 关于想象的600字作文 想象作文 600字 大自然想象作文600字小学六年级第一单元作文 快 急! 《幻想.》 作文600字、正常一点的 随便写, 如果方程组x+y=1,ax+by=c有唯一的解,那么的abc值应满足 如果x=2,y=-2是方程组ax+by=1,ax-by=5的解,求a,b的值. 已知中心在原点O,焦点F1、F2在x轴上的椭圆E经过点C(2,2),且抛物线y^2=(-4根号 6) x已知中心在原点O,焦点F1、F2在x轴上的椭圆E经过点C(2,2),且抛物线y^2=(-4根号 6) x(Ⅰ)求椭圆E的方程 已知m是整数,方程组{4x-3y=6,6x-my=26有整数解,是-哟不是+哟 有20个连续自然数,其中所有是3的倍数的数的数相加是168.这20个数中最大的是多少? 放学后,我们可以到操场上踢足球吗?____ we____ ____ ____ ____ on the playground after school 我们放学后进行课外活动,翻译句子 _______ ________ do the _____ ______ after school 我们经常放学后踢足球.(翻译句子) We————afterschool. After school we always()(放学后我们总是过得很愉快) They usually piay volleyball in the playground after school.对in the playground after school提问 在学校英文翻译 什么时候用at school 什么时候用in school ,用法有何区别 学校里有个操场.there is a playground in the school.还是there is a playground at school.哪个对? 想象作文500字左右 求想象作文500字有一次考古学家挖掘出一只猛犸是坐着的前两只双腿是张开的 想象他变成化石之前在干什么 已知方程组3x=4+m 2y-m=5,则x与y满足的方程为( ) A.3x+2y=1 B.3x-2y=1 C.3x-2y=-1 D.3x-2y=9 若tana=-2,则sina的平方-3*(cosa的平方)=? We have a big playground in our school.We all like to 1 games 2 after school.It’s Friday.We have only two classes 3 the afternoon.When school is 4 ,a lot of students go to the playground.Look!The boys of Grade Two are 5 a basketball match.Some girl 已知sina=2sinb,tana=3tanb,则(cosa)平方=?答案为1或3/8 We have a big library in our school .It is ___ than our classroom.There is ____in it.In the library there are a lot of story books _____ history and grography and many magazines.Some of them are for the students and some are for the teachers.We may _ 已知tana=3,sina的平方+sina乘以cosa=? we have lunch in a big —— (dine) hall at our school 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 . We will have a big New Year's Party in our school tomorrow(改同义句)There __________ ___________a big New Year's Party in our school tomorrow we have a school day in our school (___ ___do you have in ___school?) 过直线X-2Y-Z=6=0,3X-2Y+2=0且与点(1,2,1)的距离为1平面方程