
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:35:04
“三边相等的三角形叫等边三角形”这是等边三角形的( )a 定理b公里c定义d逆命题 我们把三条边相等的三角形叫做等边三角形,等边三角形的三个内角都是60°.求∠BF我们把三条边相等的三角形叫做等边三角形,等边三角形的三个内角都是60°。在等边三角形ABC中,点D,E分别在 某民工队48人挖一条长100米的水沟,上口宽1.4米下口宽1.2米,深1米,每个民工应挖土多少立方米? 三边相等的三角形叫做等边三角形或 There was to be happy because ( )——I am practicing running now.Because there ______ a sports meeting next Saturday.A.is B.is going to have C.is going to be i'm very happy,because i live in a p world, where there is no war根据句意及首字母提示补全单词i'm very happy,because i live in a p world, where there is no war He appear______________a long time.A.to wait B.to be waiting 谁能帮我解决这几个英语题啊?根据首字母填空Don't speak l_____.They are having classes.They Great Wall is very f_____and a lot of people visit it every year.Nearly everyone knoes that Japan is a c_____country.They are m_____about 我要问中文意思.I still have not recieved anytHing from you ,yet! 等边三角形的高一定平分为两个形状、大小相等的三角形吗?分出的图形是什么三角形?(证明) we should all be kind to the old这句话有语病没 We should be kind to our sister.帮忙分析下这个句子的结构和成分其中谓语部分是什么后面的“to our sister"是宾语吗?情态动词和be动词难道是谓语?那kind又是什么呢? 等边三角形的三个角都是多少度? 等边三角形的三个内角相等,每个角都是()度. 一个女生对你说 you made my "You made my "you just make my day. you really make my day何意? u made my cool [反义词]open[反义词]meet[同音词] ( )6.English ___ by many people in the worldA.speaks B.speak C.are spoken D.is spoken( )7.The old people ___ well in our country.A.is looked after B.are looked afterC.looks after D.look for( )8.Alice is ill.She ____ to hospital at once.A.is sent B.mu 离散数学消去律是什么代数系统那一章 我们知道,三条边都相等的三角形叫等边三角形,类似的,我们把弧长等于半径的扇形称为等边扇形,小名准备把一根长为120cm的铁丝剪成两段.并把每一段铁丝围成一个等边扇形.(1)小名向使这 我们知道,三条边都相等的三角形叫等边三角形.类似地,我们把弧长等于半径的扇形称为"等边扇形".小明准备将一根长为120cm的铁丝剪成两段,并把每一段铁丝围成一个"等边扇形".(1)小明想使这 我们知道,三边都相等道三角形叫等边三角形.类似的,我们把弧长等于半径的扇形称为“等边扇形”.小明准备我们知道,三边都相等道三角形叫等边三角形。类似的,我们把弧长等于半径的扇形 以知:一个等边三角形的边长为2,以这个三角形的边长做弧,使三条弧交于一点,求三条弧所交的面积. 那咱俩就说定了.这句话的英语翻译,是ok,we have made 我翻译的对吗? 英语翻译 英语时态题···Nobody likes _______ ,so we should be king to everyone.—I agree with you.Nobody likes _______ ,so we should be king to everyone.—I agree with you.A.to be laughed at \x05B.to laugh at \x05\x05C.laughing at \x05\x05D.to be laug Nobody likes being laughed at when they are answering the wrong questions该句中的being laughed at 用的是何时态 介词填空:Nobody likes being laughed _______.