
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:41:17
I have a friend,she suffered from something resently and thinks her as the most tragic people in the world.What can I do to cheer her up Please help I have been suffering from the cancer for tow years 中的suffer为什么用ing形式 以when I were a child,I want to be为题,写一篇作文~ We have ______ ______ ______ on April fifth.艺术节 这里是填 an art festival 还是art festival is? 果蝇体细胞含4对(共8条)染色体,若每对染色体上各有一对…… "职业中专"应该选哪个英文翻译?下面是一个官方列表, 大家看"职业中专"应该选哪个?1,BACHELOR'S DEGREE2,BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH HONOURS (1ST CLASS)3,BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH HONOURS (2ND CLASS)4,BACHELOR'S DEGREE WITH HONOURS 怎样过有意义的生活 现在完成时 是不是疑问句 否定句 都用动词的过去分词特殊疑问句 和 一般疑问句 肯定句都是用动词的过去分词 还是什么的? 形容人物仪表的词语都有哪些?(最少4个) plum的意思plum是社么意思? 中国大陆这4个字翻译成英文怎么说 现在完成时后可以跟形容词么?IT HAS BEEN PAID She sneezed (until September 16,1983)就括号部分提问 It says she started sneezing on January 13,1981,and she sneezed september 16,1983的意思 以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻,古往今来,无数仁人志士对祖国充满热爱之情,当杜甫闻收复河南河北的喜讯时在诗中定道:-----,-----,陆游在临终前还告诫儿子:-----,-----. 以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻.以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻.以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻.以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻.以团结互助为荣,以损人利己为耻.以诚实守信为荣,以见 He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later.新概念第二册67课,这句如果把and拆开,请问如何拆,其实我是没有搞明白until和and的关系,拆法一:He waited until the volcano became quiet.He w Millie is interseted in( )(travel)to different country.给所给词的正确形式填空 He liked _ by a window when he was flying.空格中填什么单词合适? 喜碧在网络用语中是什么意思 完成句子 1、孩子们放学就回家 Children______ ______ when school is over用for example 、such、as 或that is填空1、We can do many things to protect the Earth,______ ,going to school by bike.2、I am 12 years some of the plastie bags can’t ( )now.—yes .people will use environmental bags instead.A use B be use C be used D are used.说理由啊 什么是酸菜,酸菜是什么意思啊! 骑马与砍杀泡菜什么意思 骑马与砍杀泡菜剧本是什么意思有哪些泡菜剧本 青、藏、川、滇、 鄂、 湘、赣、皖、苏、沪分别是哪个省和市的简称 用雨写愁的诗句我的问题很明确吧,不用我在说描述了吧! 翻译:She moved to Tokyo at the age of fourteen for her future in entertainment. 《时间》这两个字代表了什么...谁来告诉我 照样子写一写 (刹那)()()() 必须两个字(要表示时间短) she began to dance when she was fiveshe began to dance_____ _____ _____ ______ _____[同义句] if i could be a teacher for one day.英语作文题目如上所见.100字到200字即可...无论是原创的亦或是找来的...只要是佳篇我都给高分...请各位大大.帮忙一下.