
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:59:54
小孩学洪恩英语好吗 我儿子五周岁了,现在学英语班好吗?洪恩英语怎么样? 我想问下 洪恩英语,英孚英语,北大新学堂哪个好.小孩6周 如果你是个文盲 用英语怎么说 文盲用英语怎么说 我是文盲用英语怎么说 "原价"英文怎么说,我是文盲, 英语翻译郑州市二七区曹寨街31号附1号 you know.you are best in my heart so whatever you want to do .just do it.I believe you . 学西班牙语好吗?今日三年西班牙语就业前景如何?我准备去越秀攻西班牙语了 我是专科的 法语要本科才待遇好吧 所以还是西班牙语吧 但不知近几年西班牙语的就业前景 待遇如何? 怎么用西语说现在几月,今天几号?如题,希望大师解答 我知道我不该在今天给你发短信,可是我好想你.用西班牙语怎么说 河水很清,——————————— 姚明个子很高,————————————(例在补充)例:灰尘很小.灰尘很小,一千颗灰尘紧挨着排成队,也只有一厘米长. 文盲的英文是什么?求助!速度一点!为什么不一样呢???????帮帮忙呀!!!!!!!\同胞!!!! 英语文盲求指点 the moral of the story is:Your parents would always love you as long as you have done your best.Can you try the moral into Chinese? 以前家里穷,只上了初一上学期就没有机会读了,现在终于好起来我想学英文,可惜我只懂得26个英文字母,那该怎么办呢?我应该从何学起,有谁能给个意见或者身受其中也想去学英文的,我在广州 德语、西班牙语哪个好?要客观且具有说服力. 英语词组的搭配英语中的各种搭配如:want to do.能不能把这样的固定搭配说一下 英语翻译Spring Robert McCracken Today is the day when bold kites fly,When cumulus clouds roar across the sky.When robins return,when children cheer,When light rain beckons spring to appear.Today is the day when daffodils bloom,Which children pick "姚明个子高"的句子结构汉语言角度 dress up in costumes是什么意思?英文意思 Children in America dress(up)in different kinds of costumes.Children in America dress in different kinds of costumes。与Children in America dress up in different kinds of costumes那个对 我有一双能发现美的眼睛 英文怎么说 English language is widely used in the world这句话怎么改? Englishi is most widely used language in the world.不应该在most前加 the吗不好意思 为什么可加可不加? Girl ,I want to tell you I love you 的意思? Where ___you last night?(was /were) 在万圣节前夕英文___(at Halloween/at last Halloween)去年圣诞节_____(last ./lase year.) What do you usually dress up for Halloween?改错,要理由 Tomorrow is Halloween .what will you()?a:dress,b:dress as c:dress up,d:dress up as which language _________the most widely _________(speak) in the world? ( )的地震 填空