
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 18:36:57
My only connection to him is that I love him翻译 helps,make,often,her,dinner,mother,she,连词成句 《穿过那海峡,我们紧握的手》第四题咋做?请1小时内回答!对句子的理解“我们关注着世上许许多多流离的骨肉绝望的痛楚,我们斥责贪婪的欲求纷争的战火” about 24 million可以等架于 more than 24 million吗 It's for that reason that reason这里的for能否换成it's because of that reason谢谢,但是that reason也是短语啊?原句是it's for that reason that the language of the USA is english It's no reason that I love her 猜猜是什么从句 it is such a good place ____ everyone wants to visit ___ it is well-known all over the worldA which ; that B as; as C as ; that D that ; as It __ the workers more than two years to build the hospital.A.spent B.used C.took D.cost哪一个正确呢?它们之间有什么区别呢?新疆乌鲁木齐2001年题 怎么回事? 读“珠江三角洲示意图”,(1)写出图中数字所代表的地理事物名称.⑧______(河流) ⑥______(铁路)⑤______(城市) ③______(经济特区)⑦______(海洋) ④______(经济特区)(2)①是______ The workers spent more than 20 years on the Pyramid .Tom can’t come because he is ill.改为同义句 The reason why I love this festival is that theThe reason why I love this festival is that the festival is very interesting.这句话有错误吗?写作文编了这句话,大家帮忙找找有没有错误, it is more than two thousand years old.怎么変问句 很多同学觉得雅思听力是不管听多少遍都听不懂,都说听力要练但究竟要怎么练? 我还有20天考雅思,如何加强听力和阅读啊一直做都是6.5,或7.但是剑5做的都是6.5,很郁闷啊 城市发展和不和谐的现象及存在的原因 城镇发展中还存在哪些不和谐的现象?再写写你的金点子. The computer centre,_________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened B怎么错了open不是有不及物动词开业的意思么 怎样提高雅思听力?我的雅思听力不好.可是就是因为雅思听力是最得分的一门.我这次五月十号去考必须拿到六分.希望各位能提出宝贵一件.我很希望能拿到好的分数.我还有两个月不到点的时 雅思听力听不懂怎么办 读东南亚示意图, 读“青藏地区图”,(1)图中铁路是——;①河流是——.(2)图中的河流中,代表黄河的是——(填数码).(3)有关青藏地区自然环境的叙述,正确的是——(填字母).A.气候严寒,没 nowhere else in the world is there such a beautiful place请分析一下这个句子的结构谢谢 剑桥雅思5test4阅读答案.急用求手打. 剑桥雅思5test4阅读第4题题目是the low financial cost of setting up wilderness tourism makes it attractive to many countries,原文是……no initial invenstment.But that does not mean that there is no cost……结果答案是YES,我觉得 正版剑桥雅思听力CD是不是复制不出来的啊?求剑桥雅思真题4-9的MP3格式听力啊啊啊.邮箱不给留啊肿么办,直接上传百度知道吧, 非常耳熟的英文歌,经常在商场里听到的那种,像what make you beautiful 等什么的 If you don't mind. I will Take my Love Away是什么意思谁帮我解释一下If you don't mind. I will Take my Love Away 的意思~ Don't bring friends from other school .If you do ,the teachers will ask them to leave 观过小兵张嘎有什么感受 观看小兵张嘎,要有记录 我每天都在练习雅思听力,但是总也感觉不见效果,该听不懂还是听不懂,这可怎么办啊? 雅思听力听清楚了但是不懂意思就是60%听清楚在讲什么了,但是意思都反应不过来,看了看原文虽然有对但是也是要看一下才能明白,然后有些单词都不知道是什么意思的还.这怎么办?~雅思要过6