
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:16:18
I need (two orange,some yogurt and milk) to make an orange milk shake.(对划线部分提问)___ ___ ___ you ___ to make an orange milk shake? L need two orangrs,some yougurt and milk to make an orange milk shake[对划部分进行提问] I need oranges,some yogurt and milk to make an shake.对 oranges,some yogurt and milk画线提问.答案上是what ingredient do you need to make an shake.这里为什么不填 ingredients啊?以前我们学过一个句子Good food and exercise help The twins need some bananas.改为否定句 steal过去式是什么 我最喜欢的一个人 英语作文总分总结构的意思是有first,second,third, sandwich(复数) happy(副词) here(同音词) outside(反义词) I.词汇 no(同音词) bus(复数) here(反义词) sheep(复数) let us(缩写) son(对应词)they(宾格) us(单数) How much yogurt do you need for the smoothie?翻译这句话. 有谁知道可以与外国人交谈的聊天工具?我想练习我的英语再具体点好吗? 练习英语的聊天软件或者平台 能和老外聊天的 如题 聊天平台或者软件 确定比较多人在 主要是想练习口语听力 最起码也练练日常对话的写作 求一款能与外国人聊天的软件,练习英语.现在在小学教英语,想与外国人聊天,把自己的英语提高下. 想加一个英语超好的朋友,能和外国人聊天的那种,帮我练习英语,我太喜欢英语了,想说一口流利的外语,我13岁,求哥哥姐姐加我 have thought make thought 有没有 make thought thought 和make up 英语语法dose the way you thought of to make the water clean make any sense!Does the way you thought of ( ) the water clean make any sense?A.making make to make D.having made这道题大家都是把you thought of看作插入语,然后 this is an apple 和 this is apple 哪个语法是正确的 1、 What are some things that people think about when they choose a university?Are these things important?Why?急求求编英语对话,邮箱( some old people think they get too many gifts 怎么翻译 谁知道辽宁省高中理科数学没学期都讲什么内容,就是高一上学期学哪几本,高一下学期学哪几本,高二上学期学哪几本,高二下学期学哪几本, 高一的数学学的很糟糕.该怎么面对新的学期呢.会不会跟不上. 高二下学期了,数学从高一开始根本没学,什么都不懂,我非常想考本科!英语也不是很好,六七十分的. 召唤英语帝我心中的那个位置到底谁还能代替翻译成英语 These are an apple and a pear.还是This is an apple and a pear. The sick and the aged need our help.为什么the aged不是主语,而是名词化的过去分词作宾语.这句是我在语法书上抄下的。总觉得The sick and the aged是主语呀。楼下的回答貌似答非所问了。为什么是宾语? 高分召唤英语帝New archacological discoveries suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road probaly began in some form many centuries earlier than once thought.The findings ,coupled with a widening range of scientific and histo 哪里有练习英语口语的美剧? Let's start again _____ ___________ ______.(让我们从头开始)填 at the beginning 正确不 可以练英语口语的美剧 let's start again和let's to begin和let's doing again和let's ask again区别“Don’t you know how to speak to an officer?” the young officer said angrily “Now let’s 9 again, Can you change the money for me?”上面的就是这个9的 关于看美剧练习英语口语和听力,我想知道到底有木有作用啊? 英语翻译