
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 21:34:20
That sounds ___,I like volleyball.选择:A interesting B fun对,快 matlab关于hold on 的画图clear all;t=0:pi/20:2*pi;x=sin(t);y=cos(t);figureplot(t,x,':r');hould on plot(t,y,'*b');legend('sin(t)','cos(t)');请问大侠怎么只能画出一条曲线? 选用适当的词填空:That sounds like _____(funny,fun) 用MATLAB把两个以上的图像画在一起,除了用plot——hold on——plot——hold off,还可以用什么实现呢,谢 hold matlab中如何添加hold on当L=25000;a=[23530,68237,80002,102356,116474,141180,164710]+L;b=[712,701,627,417,233,212,171];时我做出一幅图如下我改变a和b的值为a=[50273,62572,103991,141671,172800]+L;b=[902,817,601,330,248];L=25000;再 MATLAB程序中有无hold on为什么会出现不同结果图?clear all;clc;% hold onc1=load('c1.txt');x=c1(:,3);y=c1(:,4);z=c1(:,5);for i=1:length(c1)if c1(i,2)==1scatter3(x(i),y(i),z(i),25,'w.');elsescatter3(x(i),y(i),z(i),20,'b.');endendhold onfor That sounds l_____ fun matlab 用subplot和hold on 以后是这个效果,试验程序运行出来是个效果:clear all;n=20;a=(round(100*rand(n,1))/100)*2.2-0.9;figure;hold on;subplot(2,2,1);plot(1:n,a,'rx');xlabel('样本数');ylabel('生化化验 对on january 1st,1992提问用什么特殊疑问词 My sister ____(be)born on January 1st,1992 Look,the people ____(pick)apples. The New Year\'s Day is on (January 1st)用when 怎么提问 matlab 用subplot和hold on 以后无法把绘图放在一个窗口里,试验程序运行出来是个效果:clear all;n=20;a=(round(100*rand(n,1))/100)*2.2-0.9;figure;hold on;subplot(2,2,1);plot(1:n,a,'rx');xlabel('样本数');ylabe I think that sounds fun找出主 谓 宾 改同义句Millie was born on 2nd NovemberMillie's ____ ____on 2nd November. Millie was born in 1983.的同义句 millie was born in 1996.i was born in 1996,too.改为同义句(用as...as回答) Millie was born ( )September 9th.(A.on B.in C.at) 单词hold怎么读 Kate and Mary were born in the same year .改为同义句.Kate is ( )( )( ) Mary . 2.Lily and Betty were born in the same year.同义句.Lily and Betty______________. Sally and my cousin were born in the same year 的同义句 1.The street is the widest in the city.同义句.2.May and Betty were born in the same year.同义句.1.The street is the widest in the city.同义句.The street is ( )( )the other in the city.2.May and Betty were born in the same year.同义 英语翻译提示:I want to know _____ _____ _____ in a ___ ____ ____ My brother was born( ) the morning ( ) April 10th ( ) 1987,and( )next saturday is his biethday怎么 I was born in the morning of July 21.(哪里错了) My brother was born ____the morning__________a cold winter .A 、 on ; of B、 in;of C、 in;on D、 on;on 选哪个?为什么? 英语从句中that怎么用?与what.which的区别 英语翻译1.他是一个喜欢玩电脑的孩子.2.我的朋友来自澳大利亚,爱好美食和旅游.3.我真想吃这个长在地里的大西瓜.4.偷我皮包的那个小偷已经被警察抓住了.5.这本字典是我上周在上海一家书 一首英文歌的名字The saltwater room译成中文是什么?怎么译都觉得不好,求大家帮帮忙给力翻译一下下吧 英文歌the saltwater room的中文翻译? 英语翻译翻译出来的要好听 并且正确