
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:51:11
He ran into the car in front of him on his way home because he ________________ too fast.(drive)答案是drove我用了一个was driving有错么? A car ran through a red light and hit him while he was on his way home affer school yesterday英语翻译 Soon another villager ran back home and quickly brought some meat and gave it to the stranger. He drove so carelessly that his car crashed into a tree.为什么不用careless? 生物里氢氧化钠监测什么? 仿写:假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!忧郁的日子里需要镇静:相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临. 假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急,忧郁的日子里需要镇静.仿照写四句诗,结构相同,形式相似. It was my job ( ) (clean) the classroom My mother ___ a birthday present.(buying bought me is buying bought I)哪个正确? 题目有点长,我想问的是,为什么第三题中呼吸商的计算 细胞呼吸释放的二氧化碳是X-Y,而不是X+Y? 还有第四小题也不会理解……麻烦了, what about your country?的回答是啥? Mr Li.is a very rich man who lives alone .这句话是宾语从句吗? 一,The old man lives alone,he always feels very a______ Tina's uncle lives in a big a__ because he is very rich young man.填什么? cos是什麼比什麼 有余数的除法算试中,什麼必须比什麼小 如何分辨名词性物主代词和形容词性性物主代词如:MINE/ MY/ HER / HERS我要的是如何明白他们的用法!比如MINE用在什么时候什么位置 新闻学contrast and balance是什么意思,请用英语解释.实际上也就是名词解释,但是要用英语作答. 那是我其中一个朋友的吹风机 翻译(用名词性物主代词 如:his hers yours等)按英文顺序 What about playing the guitar now?(同义句) What does your brother love ____(do)横线上填什么? What's your ( ) hobby? I like playing the guitar best. A favorite B good C fond what's your favourite way of shopping英语作文!求个开头! (谁知道这是什麼动画片主题曲)用英语怎么翻译 仿照“假如生活斯骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临”写一组句子. 英文信信头具体格式,给在上海的某人寄信,信头的具体格式麻烦写出 --|| 英文书信中是信头可省还是信内地址可省?248 Park Street Taipei,Taiwan 105 September 8,2002 (写信日期) Dear Susan,(称呼) I enjoyed reading your letter very much.…………………………………………………………… L____ begin at eighi o'clock 首字母填空 clsses begin at eight o'clock为什么用clsses? When not love to say it,and then give up only to What is love?It's when you don't give a thought for all the if''s And want to's in the world什么意最好能用英语解释 翻译句子:这个小男孩太小了,