
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 08:12:15
2011年12月四级 什么时候能查到成绩 1.Would you have written to her had it been possible?-Yes,but I __ busy with my work.a.was b.were c.had been d.would be2.Excuse me ,would you mind passing me that English-Chinese dictionary?-Sorry ,it's ___my reacha.over b.within c.far away d.beyo think和this中th的发音同吗 英语翻译1,a person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble .instead ,he tries to help them .2.he stands up when he is speaking to an older person ,and he does not sit down until the other person takes his seat 3,if you a 谁能用英语翻译一下“我以前想告诉你,可是我害怕”这个句子? 一个恐怖的英语句子.长一点的.谢谢 英语翻译 she would go and inform him if she ___ his address.A know B had known C knew D would have known正确答案是B 为什么要选B 不能选C If she had worked harder,she_____ A.would succeed B.would have succeed I have known her ___ since she was a freshman.A.before B.ever C.almost D.always had i known it ,i would have..HAD在句首? he would有缩略形式吗?she had和she have有缩略形式吗? that中th组合\ð\的发音是否上下齿咬住舌头,然后发相当与汉语拼音ri的音?或是其他什么? 焦躁不安的近义词 庄重的反义词 阳春白雪的反义词 独具匠心的反义词 晶莹的反义词 焦急不安的近义词要快 焦躁近义词和反义词 你要等到我喜欢你的那天.这句要怎么翻译啊英语的 马上要考英语专四了,我买了基本华研的辅导书,语法词汇,完形之类的,都是上外的老师出的,要是都做完,会不会碰上雷同的考题到时候? 近义词:琢磨( ) 渐渐( )反义词:集中( )勤奋( ) 勤奋的反义词、近义词是什么? 努力的近义词和反义词是什么? 反义词 紧张--( )勤奋--( ) 近义词 珍惜--( )勉励--( )反义词紧张--( )勤奋--( )近义词珍惜--( )勉励--( ) 开拓的近义词 富裕的反义词 勤奋的反义词 答对必采纳 图书角有故事书20本,画书30本,故事书的3/5等于画书的()%. 有什么好的儿童图画故事书 正在测量英文怎么拼 河北省2010年12月的英语四级成绩单大概什么时候发? 近义词: 坚固——( ) 感受——( ) 反义词: 错误——( )近义词:坚固——( )感受——( )反义词:错误——( )悲痛——( )词语填空必须 必需1.你要知道 反义词 结实( )镇定 ( )鼓励 ( ) 近义词 同上 很久以前的 英文. 近义词,结实(),停歇(). 反义词,遥远(). 很久以前 用英文怎么说