
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:28:10
这句话是对的还是错的?You only say sorry to the customers when they have to wait for a long time to have dinner with each other. large fat few little badly far difficult的比较级和最高级 常常的反义词是什么 已知x、y均为有理数,若|x+3|与|y-5|互为相反数,求|x-y|的值 the glass is always half full一句谚语,不要直译呀,直译没分.这是一句谚语, do people around your see a glass half empty instead of half full?翻译 It usually spend an hour playing sports everyday 的同义句转换 20减x等于9用解方乘做 3乘25的X方减去5乘9的X方<0怎么解 判断这句话的对错水中的生物是靠微溶于水中的氧气生存的,这句话对不对,我认为是对的 判断句子对错句子:“和平共处五项原则”是中国为世界和平做出的巨大贡献. 这栋建筑有几层楼用英语怎么说 (60+X)/(4+X)=9怎么解 作文 要用到钢笔,眼药水,章鱼三个词语500字 判断句子的对错7.In the compound word “blood test”,the second part,i.e.“test”,indicates the action upon the first part.6.“wet day” is a compound.5.Most of the affixes are derived from Old English,or from Latin and Greek.4.“cuckoo it will ()you an hour to get there on foot答案是take为什么不是spend 解X:(X+9)/6=X-1 我们的教室在底层.用英语怎么说 我喜欢我们班里的一个女生好久了,今天抽机会摸了她一下,她打了我一下,我的心情更兴奋了,我变慢慢的靠近她,她也往后退,说:然后我就走了.奇怪,为什么每个男的这样的时候女的都喜欢往 判断语句对错Sometimes I also eat eggs she lives with my uncle in a village not too far away she lives in a (v ) far away.填空 “He lives in a village far away.”为什么不是“far away from”而是“far away”? Lily lives ( )school.A.far B.far away C.how far D.far from为什么? 判断这句话是对是错?if you don’t get to work soon ,you will get fired这句话对么?应该是if从句用现在,主句将来?那英怎么改? 解三元一次方程组 {x+2y=10 y-z=-3 2z-x=8 则2x+y-z的值的 急急急,请教各位英高手, 下面一段英文需要译成汉语,帮个忙吧,谢谢啦Because 1988 data have different occupation categories, they are not completely comparable with 1995data.14their job though non-market means, 75% assigned by 在括号里填上合适的词语,使句子表达得更具体.( )火( )穿( )田野. 穿能组什么词 f(x)=x^2+2x+2,x属于R,则其值域为 已知f(x)=x^2-2x-1,⑴当x属于R时,求函数的值域;⑵当x属于[0,3]时,求函数的值域. 函数f(x)=-x^2+2x+3 ⑴x∈R,求f(x)值域;⑵x∈[-1,1],求值域