
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 12:21:04
翻译 A unforgetful thing during the Spring Festival 英语翻译As I have planed,I got a part-time job in my uncle’s shop.I had to get up very early,because I had to start to work at about 8:00 am in the morning.There were many consumers visiting the grocery at about 10:00 a.m.,including,boys and gi 英语翻译As I have planed,I got a part-time job in my uncle’s shop.I had to get up very early,because I had to start to work at about 8:00 am in the morning.There were many consumers visiting the grocery at about 10:00 a.m.,including,boys and gi 哪些地方指方向是用东南西北的?哪些地方用前后左右?在武汉,发现问路时,他们都告诉我是该往南,或往北走,而不是往左,往右.所以常常问了等于白问!一楼的,我分不分的清,碍着你了吗?说话客 I go to school on the car是病句吗? go to school 用 on 还是 in car 煜 读什么李煜中读什么 煜怎么读? 世界历史上最伟大的人物...是马克思么?对人类发展来说...大方面 推荐一些好的英语在线词典,要有大量的短语的! pride什么意思? 篮球部落片头曲是什么?有 victory,so much pride这一句的? 历史上最伟大的人物有那些 多问为什么的名言 居里夫人100字左右的严肃外貌描写 急 函数y=|x+1|+|2-x|的单调递增区间 名人名言解析与问之出处.竹直心虚乃吾友,水淡性泊是我师!尔非鱼,焉知鱼非乐(此句非原文,同时求原句与出处) 希望达人解析 函数y=(√3-1)^(x+1)(3-x)的单调递增区间是_____? he was ill,_he couldn't join us in the spring outinga.in case b.in that case c.in which case d.in such a case为什么选C~ 询问一句名言的出处?谢谢!“电影不是一种马上可以理解,或可通过意识形态来争辩的东西.它是一个必须经由耐心而节制的研究,才能逐渐有所收获的庞大探索工程.这才是现代电影研究的精神. 函数y=|x-1|的单调递增区间为? My father always goes to work by car改同义句My father aiways______ to work. 若√a²=-a,则下列说法正确是A,a是整数,B,a是正实数,C,a是负数,D,a是负实数或零. a为实数,下列式子的值中一定是非负数的是A.√a² B.√a-2009 C.√a-1 D.a√a²+2 but,he,on,the,couldn't,anything,Gorge,turned,light,see连词成句 He had lost his glasses,without which he couldn't see anything 是什么从句 Look at my new blouse.Is it _________?应该填什么 英文歌曲,是个女的唱的,有:kiss me on the s·····. 世界上伟大的人物?很著名的人? 世界历史上像毛泽东一样伟大的人物还有吗? 历史长河中的哪些伟大的人物,不管经历了多少磨难,他们回报世界 除了马克思,世界上人类历史上最伟大的人物是谁?