
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 02:03:07
组长的发言稿 1.All students must read this book2.Everyone can understand his ideas.3.He borrowed my bike two days ago 4.What's wrong with Jim?5.Tom's books are more than Mike's.以上全是同义句转换.求帮忙急明天就要交了不会..改为同义句是 09届入党积极分子转预备党员思想汇报4篇1500字急用.那位大哥能不能帮帮忙 09入党积极分子转预备党员思想汇报1500字左右.要两份 -Come on,please give me some ideas about the project. Some discussion has ( )ahout who should be put in charge of this project A risen B arisen为什么选B 请问有人知道一个生物题会的人说下嘛, 告诉我下生物题:会的人说下嘛,十分感谢各位5X 定语从句与并列句的混淆Mark twain,father of American literature,wrote a lot of novels,many of ____have translated into foreign languangs.There were a lot of people in the reading room,most of ____with their heads bent down over their books. 只是定语从句?并列句?还是...请看下面两题:1.He wrote a lot of novels,many of _________ translated into foreign languages.A.it B.them C.which D.that2.He wrote a lot of novels,many of _________ were translated into foreign languages.A. if为什么是并列句又是条件从句啊 两定积分相除可以看做被积函数相除后积分吗(积分上下限是一样的)两个积分上限函数相除是不是被积函数相除再积分? 两个函数相除的积分等于分别积分再相除吗? 电子商务系统的构成是怎么样的 if the teacher wants to start his lesson he may say 太阳太强烈,会把五谷晒焦;雨水太猛,也会淹死庄稼.按此表达方式 ,续写2句,注意语意要连贯 persons是什么意思 脆弱性和无助性 用英语? 加入了脆弱性和无助性等内容 用英语? 还包括风险和面临风险时的脆弱性 用英语? 魏晨的Run away是谁做的词,写的是他的心声吗? 你认为还有哪些重要的元素:电子商务系统建设中,有哪些设备或设施是要经过认真的 经营管理的作用是什么? strong wish of doing something等于哪个单词 粉身碎骨的近义词 粉身碎骨近义词要有文艺范儿 她要去烘烤蛋糕.she is gong to___ _____ 在什么单词要加doing.如,like 颜氏家训中关于朋友的句子是什么 The internet has changed the way people work,study and live为什么不是the way that people work...如果不能确定that是否可以省略那就都写上去可以算错么?还有最后那个词是live还是life?是我记错了么? 颜氏家训中的诗句是什么意思? Before you write,you should o_____ your ideas first.