
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:32:46
what about you 与hoe's it going?有什么区别 可以互换吗 常用于什么场景 She is one of the ------------girls in her classroom.(fat). Do you konw?Do you konwwhen computers begin?用英语回答我 英语翻译 Do you still remember the year__our school was started?A.that B.in which C.which D.on which at the end of the volleybal match,our school()won by 3;1a.members b group c.team 刘彻的父亲和祖父是谁 《水经注》中的:“故渔者歌曰:‘巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳.”是此书关于什么的描写? 1.The doctor said to Tom,“Don't be nervous,just stay_____(relax).”2.Lucy is a top student,she'll go abroad for ______(far)study next term.3.Although my father_____the computer for two years,he doesn't want to buy a new one.A.use B.has use 铁罐瞧不起陶罐是因为啥 what you do not 很多网站都翻译不成:我太- -||| 1,I prefer_______(not eat)too much fried food.2,I love the singer (who writes his own music ).______ _____ ______ you love?3,He wont give you any s____ beacause he doesnt know himself4,无论做什么事,他总是力求做好_____ _______ ____,he alw 初三英语的几个题,1.he said his father would be back_____a week.He was friendly____his father.A.after;to B.in;with C.in;about D.after;with2.There are many______(woman) teachers in our school.3.In his _______(thirty),he began to study a third Peter and I are expecting you from half past 这个成语的用法是否正确随着人民生活水平的逐渐提高,国人购买私家车的热情蔚然成风,国产汽车生产厂家竞相降价销售,竞争已达白热化蔚然成风的使用是否正确?为什么不正确? 1,把...涂成什么颜色怎么说?要不要加into?2,...希望自己...的愿望将会实现怎么说?(他希望自己顺利通过考试的愿望将会实现)3,how often,how many times的区别?4,in total ,in general的区别? 初三英语,问几个问题I wish I could fly to the moon one day.这里could 换成can行不行?为什么这里用could?这里为什么不用hope ,而用wish? 学了27课这篇课文,我可以对铁罐说什么